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Dear #TwitterMigration folks, an important tip on #privacy on the fediverse:

There is none.

This is a public medium; please treat it as such. Just as you have no privacy on Twitter (Elon Musk can read all your DMs), you have no privacy on the instance you’re on (your administrators can read all your posts).

You can set the visibility of a post but that’s a viewing suggestion, not a privacy guarantee.

Think of your posts as postcards, not sealed letters, and you should be fine.


Maybe we can help all of them get to Mars faster. Put our heads together, bring our various skills together, volunteer, and send Bezos, Musk and the rest of them there just like they want.

My CSS layout skills are pretty good these days and I can hand-craft SVG in a text editor. I cannot, however, drive GIMP to do even simple things any more. I used to, but it's much much quicker for me to mark up what I want some other way and just take a screenshot.

GIMP is a complex tool that lets you do very complex things, but it does not make the simple things simple.

"Libraries in these scenarios are no longer custodians for the ages of anything, whether tangible or intangible, but rather poolers of funding to pay for fleeting access to knowledge elsewhere."

#JonathanZittrain, 2021

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> for electricity generation I think it's possible quickly if we spend enough.

... or reduce usage enough. Imagine a small datacentre in each apartment building where it gets cold in the winter, that redirects its waste heat into the central heating system. What about in the summer? Turn them off/ down and default to mirror servers in the opposite hemisphere. For that matter, imagine household space heaters that run power through a #HoloChain server instead of a resistor.

"I am like the grass, I thought. My efforts prevent the erosion from being worse. Even if the flood washes away my efforts, my resistance will have absorbed some of the flood's energy and lessened the erosion that otherwise would have happened."

#SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain

The price of not getting stuck in one's ways as one gets older is a constant, painful, reassessment of almost everything.

Extrapolating a thing which is true within a certain context as being true in all contexts can be one of the most harmful ways of thinking.

"Conservatives don't like this blaming of the market; if there is a problem with the economy, in their hearts, they know the true cause must be government."

#JosephStiglitz, 'Freefall', 2010

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me with the simplistic moral framework of an alienated teenager: giant corporations are evil.

me later, as a mature grown up person who works for a living and understands that things are complicated: giant corporations are just made up of humans and mostly people are doing their best and there are lots of complex reasons that people and systems do what they do, many of them pretty understandable in context.

me now: giant corporations are evil.

"if i replace all the words, is it really plagiarism?"

this argument is known as the ship of thesaurus

@NGIZero first off, you’re expecting google to do something good, the same company that took AOSP and turned it into a spyware machine. Second, the customers who invested in the service by buying games and hardware do deserve their money back. It’s theirs, it’s not of the FOSS community, nor of google (as google rightfully understands).

*nod*. plus, it's not at all bad to remind the audience when corpses could do good and choose not to

@NGIZero Are you serious right now? You do know what Google is, right? You do understand what their business model is? I thought NGI/NLnet was purportedly about finding and supporting *alternatives* to surveillance capitalists like Google, Meta, etc., not trying to improve their PR by perpetuating the myth that they’re generally a force for good who sometimes (often) make silly mistakes.

Do better.

#ngi #nextGenerationInternet #bigTech #google #surveillanceCapitalism #pr #NLnet

Guess I missed the meeting where the definition of "right wing" was changed to 'anything that liberal centrists might have a kneejerk reaction to' ;)

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We are still a massive €254 short for the server bills for,,, and some more free open source services :sad_cat:

Hopefully next month I can pay most of it with a new job but that doesn't help now..

If you can, please think about supporting me in paying the bills for the various #Fediverse services I host for free❤️

If not me perhaps your own server admin :cat_hug_triangle::fediverse:

Hot take: it is useful to add issues to your issue tracker even when it's technically an "upstream problem":

* it makes it easier to find the issue for others running into it
* it provides a place for users to share workaround for this particular instance of the problem
* it reminds you to help upstream fix it
* sometimes there is a fix in using upstream differently (or even replacing it)

Debian gets this right and even has some nice standardized metadata for this (

Computer, ARM history 

The ARM chip was also designed to run at very low power. [Sophie] Wilson explained that this was entirely a cost-saving measure—the team wanted to use a plastic case for the chip instead of a ceramic one, so they set a maximum target of 1 watt of power usage.

But the tools they had for estimating power were primitive. To make sure they didn’t go over the limit and melt the plastic, they were very conservative with every design detail. Because of the simplicity of the design and the low clock rate, the actual power draw ended up at 0.1 watts.

In fact, one of the first test boards the team plugged the ARM into had a broken connection and was not attached to any power at all. It was a big surprise when they found the fault because the CPU had been working the whole time. It had turned on just from electrical leakage coming from the support chips.

Yes, it's an issue. The ultimate solution is to get all jurisdictions to do what NZ did and remove software from the scope of patent law. In the meantime, compromises such as defensive patents may be necessary. But since they also implicitly endorse the patenting of software, it's crucial to have robust debate about whether they really are necessary and what other defensive options exist for libre software communities.

@tetrislife @gert @clacke @matslats @organizingInFedi @mike_hales

> another company that filed a patent for using Holochain

Ah ok, that makes more sense. A blog piece that tells that story would be useful here. IANAL either but ...

... rather than filling for their own patent, couldn't the HC folks have used the same money and prior art to invalidate the other patent? Wouldn't that create a precedent that could strike down future patent applications involving HC?

@tetrislife @gert @clacke @matslats @organizingInFedi @mike_hales

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