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Haven't heard of PeerTube yet?

It's a great piece of software to host your own videos!

Plus, they don't break 3rd-party clients, especially on a Saturday. Unlike some other plaftorm(s).

Go check out them out at @peertube

Or start searching for content with

I find I like referring to nation states by their tld suffix instead of the official name. In lack of a better way I feel that it's a manner of referring to them as an administrative unit (as they are) stripping them of the notion that they encompass in any way the people that they happen to govern.

I know that tld's do not map one to one to state administrations so any other idea is welcome.

@dawngreeter @aral The status quo is never "political". Change is political.

@aral "No politics please!" is the sort of argument a politician would make.

@aral Female hair is either long or political. Sexual orientation is either heterosexual or political. Gender identity is either cis or political. Clothing is either gender stereotyped and boring or political. City infrastructure is either car-focused or political. Energy is either fossil fuels or political. Education is either white christian propaganda or political.

Everything follows the same pattern, tech included.

I’d also like to stress that personal attacks against our moderators or operators for simply enforcing our server rules, which everyone agreed to during the sign-up process, will not be tolerated at all.

Everyone is free and encouraged to start discussions, create polls or approach admins about how our instance is run, about our server rules and make suggestions for change. If you want to contribute, feel free to ask for admin or moderator role.

But attacking the people who spend their free time and money to give everyone a free (as in free beer), sane, safe and technically proper Fediverse instance can only be considered as a request for immediate account suspension.

Many instances disappeared in the last few months due to legal trouble, or burn-out of the people running it. What was laid out in these posts should make it clear that our intention is that this will not happen to this instance.


@bagder can’t believe you’re still introducing bugs manually. Much more efficient to let the machine do the enbugging

You made a what? A heat pump? You fucked up a perfectly good fridge, is what you did. Look at it, it's inside out

I go into my kitchen and I look at my fridge, whose job is to move heat outside of itself into the room. Centimetres to the right of it is the oven, whose job is to make heat, and we don't like using it in the summer because its whole thing is making heat. Further right is the AC vent, which is connected to a furnace downstairs, which is connected to a big fan outside which blows my heat into the neighbourhood for a few minutes each morning to dry out the air and make it tolerable with a fan. Right next to the furnace, within a metre of it, is the hot water tank, which is another inside-out fridge that takes heat from the basement and puts it into my shower water.

None of these machines are connected together in any way at all

Like, what are we doing here. What are we doing as a species.

is glory.

We have reached a stage where PDF can be opened in the browser, but not PNG! FTP is recognized as unsupported, but not even a mention of SFTP! And this is a "web" engine!

I really like #plan9.

I’m working on a qemu project. I used partfs on my cpu server over drawterm to modify a file in a local raw qemu disk image.

It wasn’t until after i’d done it that it hit me how neat it is that nothing in the chain was built for that, partfs doesn’t know anything about qemu of macOS or whatever, &c — and it all worked exactly as expected.

This stuff remains pretty darn fun.

* What do you think our ecosystem is missing in regard to libraries?
* What functionality do you think is missing in existing libraries?

Http needs a status code for grudging acceptance. We have 202 Accepted. We need 222 Tolerated.

For when the client is doing it wrong, but you've decided to be the bigger person and deal with it anyway.

@needzmoarpaula As a reader I do active discovery of blogs and share them here.

@penguin42 @fsi @senfcall Well, @linuxplumbersconf is run on #bigbluebutton yes; we're currently playing with 2.7 (although we do have plumbers specific customizations, like using matrix for the chat). We don't find any problem in going to 100 participants with the standard configuration (we did get a few problems going to 1000 with older bbb during covid).

#OpenMediaVault 6.0 was released a few hours ago this afternoon:

Yes, #Bullseye!

Incidentally, #Debian 10.10 was also released today (#Buster).

You can install OMV via the script above on a fresh install of Bullseye or d/l the OMV 6.0 iso and install from a bootable USB stick or DVD.

I've never been a fan of file based mass storage, so I've never really had much interest in #NAS, but it does well for cheap, small home based networks where folks like to keep collections of movies or other data mounted via NFS or #CIFS (#SAMBA) shares, and you can buy little network attached NAS boxes for cheap from your favorite consumer vendors.

#NFS itself is nice, and I make regular use of it, but why bother with an appliance when you can just enable that on a host directly and say, keep your #rsync replicated data or #Duplicity backups and #snapshots there?

Instead, coming from the big machine room environments with raised flooring and surrounded by a wall of glass, I look to the #SAN instead.

Because this is block based instead of file based, you can run a SAN on very little RAM w/o impact, and #OMV fits this bill quite nicely!

I've saved many enterprises over the years hundreds of thousands of dollars simply by rejecting exorbitantly priced Dell's EMC and of course the ever ubiquitous #NetApp appliances (among many others) in favor of deploying OMV in the datacenter with the native #iSCSI SAN plugin.

If you do this, please do not neglect to contribute to Volker - he does this for free and was one of the original dev's for the FreeNAS project. Im glad he decided to bring that expertise to Debian GNU/Linux as the base distro of choice for OpenMediaVault.

Prior to my having adopted OMV when it first launched, I used which is a fantastic product - except for one thing, it's subscription based and nowadays the only non CE (Their terminology for "Commercial Edition", rather than what everyone else dubs, 'community edition') version is a little old and unsupported. It's very much a commercial and non community supported project and so I was very glad when they were making the transition and #Volker announced the very first release of OMV.

Yes, this version is a so-called preview, the 5.x branch had an update a couple of weeks ago.

I can't recommend OpenMediaVault enough, and it's also quite capable of managing things like #Portainer and #Nginx_Proxy_Manager along with all of the daemon's and services you would want to be forward facing services.

#tallship #Vger #FOSS #OpenSource #Open_Source @OpenSource @opensource
You can haz #Cheezburgerz!


I am truly amazed by my new #OpenMediaVault ​:omv:​ unit over a #RaspberryPi 4 :rpi:
- It brings a
#CIFS volume to the network with my home media (DLNA server was discarded due to the lack of support for subtitles)
- It rsyncs from a very remote server I have in another country, feeling I'm home
- It does a redundant rsync backup from the Photos I have in my
#Synology :synology: (RAID 1 is for disk failure, now I have also for host failure)

... and this is only 3 days after installing it, and mostly everything was set up through a easy Web interface. Amazing work here, guys.

@tedcurran @freedomboxfndn @liliputing My take: free cloud killed any possible consumer growth, business cloud got cheap enough for small business to avoid hw entirely, Synology apps took the enthusiast leftovers who also wanted home backup

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