The Preprint Club - A cross-institutional, community-based approach to peer reviewing
We are here now too. What to do next? Please follow The ICIS is the premier organization promoting the field of cytokine biology across many different research disciplines at a time when cytokine biology, cytokine biomarkers and cytokine therapeutics are revolutionizing modern medicine, providing novel treatments for a wide variety of diseases ranging from lethal inflammatory, autoimmune and allergic diseases, to viral infections and cancer.
Hello Mastodon! A brief intro here, I'm Roser, an #immunology PhD student working on the regulation of innate lymphoid cells in the gut. I'd like to better understand how the immune system works in homeostasis, and what goes wrong in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. I'm also interested in politics, music, and science puns.
Hey there! I'm an Assistant Professor at #UCLA studying mouse and human #innateimmunity using #systemsimmunology and #crispr to find new targets for chronic viral infections, #T2D and #cancer. I mainly focus on #type1 immune responses including #NKcells #cDC1 and #ILC1. I started #earlycareerimmunology in 2021 to highlight underrepresented scientists early in their career. I'm here to post about #science, #art, #travel, #cat photos, and congratulate you on your wins .
Colleagues at our sister #journal Science Immunology are looking to #hire another #editor to join their team! Prior editorial experience is welcome but not required. #RemoteWork is an option. The #job advertisement can be found here:
Ok, not sure where this will lead. I am here to connect with #scientists interested in #immunology (and far beyond) and shamelessly promote the results of the hard working students, I am privileged to supervise in #theonlylabever - I may occasionally post non-science content.
Professor at the University of Toronto #UofT #macrophages #innatelymphocytes #protozoa #mucosal #immunology
Twitter: @nkg2d1