@jaczad Ha, coś czuję że mogę zostać przykładem na nadmiernie szczegółowe opisy. Pewno między innymi dlatego tak rzadko postuję jakiekolwiek media. :P
@jaczad Dziecko w wieku wczesnonastoletnim siedzące ze skrzyżowanymi nogami na dywanie. Ubrane w białą zapinaną koszulę z krótkim rękawem, granatowe długie spodnie i czerwone skarpetki z żółtym wzorem. Ma niezbyt długie, acz wyraźnie kręcone włosy i okulary. W skupieniu składa zestaw klocków Lego, których stosik widać obok częściowo złożonego pojazdu, być może helikoptera. Obok leży również otwarta instrukcja. W tle widać otwarte drzwi balkonowe i firanki.
@urusan Uhh, apparently I should have disclosed a conflict of interest since I seem to officially be a contributor there. In my defense I didn't know this at the time of writing the previous post. xd
@urusan I would go with freesewing.org, not only are they a cool project, but they also seem to know what they are doing frontend-wise. (disclaimer: I know approximately nothing about frontend.)
food and slightly lewd (hey that rhymes)
There's a dessert I've seen called "sex in a pan" (example: https://www.thespruceeats.com/sex-in-a-pan-recipe-3052370) and I made it recently, and it was DELICIOUS
I told my kids the lewd name because we live on a farm so biology is not a secret here, and they thought the name was really funny.
But the best was a few days later, when my 6yo tried to ask about the dessert and couldn't remember the name, and she called it "GENDER IN A PAN" and I just about peed myself laughing.
COVID-19, vaccines, pricing, capitalism
So Biontech is announcing they want to bump the prices of their COVID-19 vaccines to about 130€ to 175€ per dose next year. Up from the current 20€ per dose.
Manufacturing a dose of the vaccine is reported to cost slightly more than 1€.
This means that the profit margin is currently 95%.
With the price increase the profit margin would go up to something between 99.2% and 99.4%.
We will need more doses of the vaccine since the infection rates are still extremely high, and the effect of the vaccine wears off within months. Many people in the world are still trying to get hold of their first shot, because the richest countries bought up all the doses and let them rot.
The development of these vaccines was paid for by government subsidies, with guaranteed sales contracts following from it, so the 95% profit margin contains hardly any R&D, marketing, and business risk.
There is *no* reason for them to raise the prices to this extent. A 17'400% markup is excessive for a medication that everyone in the world needs.
(And at the same time we are still preventing third parties from making their own doses of the vaccines we know work, because we worship patent law above life.)
@evelyn The most annoying thing about this discourse to me is that what you are saying is absolutely true, but at the same time `main` is _so much better_ as a branch name.
@shusha That might be smart, but I also want to get better at my German (both kinds preferably, and every time someone speaks to me in Züritüütsch I get slightly better at understanding it).
@charlotte Make sure to change your Full Name frequently as a security practice
@chjara sounds like a good excuse to... something 🤔
@sundogplanets The Language of Power by Rosemary Kirstein definitely works, but unfortunately it's the third book in a series with the first two containing approximately no aliens (makes sense in context).
Greg Egan's The Clockwork Rocket and the whole Orthogonal series kinda works, but it's in a reality with alternate physics, so might be irrelevant from an astrobiology perspective in our universe?
Also paging @robryk , he is sure to have properly weird suggestions.
@chjara Like Darth Vader in the Japanese dub.
@moonbolt Maybe you can talk directly to the author? If they are sufficiently reasonable they might understand and delete it themselves. However, the levels of reasonableness required are really quite high, and the likely fail case is that they will get angry about what they perceive is an overbearing request, so this only works if you know them well enough. @Stillwaters
@bun UK government crisis 🤝 Burkina Faso coup d'état
@Moot This is the helicopter joke on how many levels of irony?
Programmer and researcher,. Ended up working with all the current buzzwords: #ai #aisafety #ml #deeplearning #cryptocurrency
Other interests include #sewing, being #lesswrong, reading #hardsf, playing #boardgames and omitting stuff on lists.
Oh, and trans rights, duh.
Header image by @WhiteShield@livellosegreto.it .
Heheh, gentoo, heh, nonbinary, heheheh... I'm so easily amused sometimes.