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tobychev boosted

There is some debate at my lab on if we should reorganize our scientific teams, so I did what anyone would do:
- Wrote a python script scraping all the recent publication history of every scientist at my lab from the lab's website
- Mapped their publications relationships as a weighted social graph
- Applied the Louvain clustering algorithm from python's sknetwork library to get new team suggestions
- Hid the results forever so that I don't look like a weird nerd
#python #datascience

tobychev boosted

“Even now, we estimate that at least 90% of Gaza’s children under the age of five are affected by one or more infectious diseases, and that 70% have had diarrhea in the past two weeks — a 23-fold increase compared with the 2022 baseline.”

tobychev boosted

NEW: Tumblr and Wordpress are preparing to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI, according to internal documentation we've reviewed

Visst inflytande har arkitekten, men verkligen inte den avgörande rösten för om ett projekt ska godkännas av upprorets smakregler. Detta understryks av årets listor där en byrå ritat två hus som hamnat vardera på finaste och fulaste listan.

Att säljpriset på huset skulle ha någon fundamental betydelse för estetiken är dock inte en tanke som Arkitektupproret har tid för... nä, personligen står jag inte ut med att läsa alla otrevligheter för att komma över något enstaka korn av relevant kritik.

Any information about attendance? Was the interview shown as a prerequisite to watch something comparatively interesting, like frozen 4 or some such?

Vagt relaterad anekdot: När jag var San Cristobal de las Casas gick vi förbi ett universitet som firade något jubileum, medans vi var där tjatade någon upp rektorn på scen och sedan stämdes det upp till jublande allsång av "Hasta siempre, Che"

tobychev boosted

@w7voa It sounds like Wapo is trying to make sense of an act of conscientious objection and probing for reasons it might be considered explainable by reasons not related to the simple fact of deeply felt personal revulsion over the situation in Gaza - and coming up empty. A lot of us live with the cognitive dissonance of living in a deeply unjust world while being personally content day to day; but we should not pat ourselves on the back for making that adjustment.

Priset lär finnas för evigt, eftersom det inte är arkitekterna som bestämmer vad som byggs, det är beställaren, men att angripa de ansvariga makthavarna är inte "Arkitekt"upprorets grej...

I think this is a sign you should rewatch Dr Strangelove ;)

Seventeen typos over 400 pages doesn't seem too bad though

tobychev boosted

This is why I thin that, in general, silent power is the scariest kind. Power that doesn't try to justify itself, or engage you in rational argument. It's just going to roll over you, because you're not considered a full person.

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Wow, vilket jätte material de verkar som de kommit över!

tobychev boosted

Newly leaked documents from the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin reveal in detail how the Kremlin is working to ensure Putin’s election victory, building a pan-Russian propaganda network and internet censorship machinery for the purposes of information warfare, and integrating the occupied territories in Ukraine.

#russia #putin #ukraine

tobychev boosted

A talk at the "Space Development and Utilization Subcommittee" meeting reported a little news on the SLIM rovers, LEV-1 & LEV-2.

LEV-1 (bigger, ☂️-shaped 🤖 that can talk to Earth) sent radiowaves home for 107 mins, including transmitting data from LEV-2 (SORA-Q: ball transformer that needs LEV-1 to phone home).

This was the world's 1st lunar robot-to-robot communication, 1st direct communication from something so teeny tiny, and 1st amateur ratio station on the Moon (UHF transmitted 📻 ).

tobychev boosted

Is there a law that describes how the rapid growth in renewable energy is outpaced by the growth in the dumb ways we think of to use that energy?

tobychev boosted

Fascinating first person account by a psychologist who faked data

The scientist: Diederik Stapel. A Dutch social psychologist. He wrote a book explaining the context and how one thing led to another until he was caught. Nick Brown translated it into English. Freely available here:

Page 101:

I also became increasingly skilled in the use of techniques that could put a healthy-
looking shine on otherwise mediocre results. If I didn’t get the effect I wanted across all the
different measures I’d used or the questions I’d asked, I would use the ones that did show
that effect. If an effect was present in an experiment, but not strongly enough to be tapped
by all of the types of measurements I’d used, I would make it stronger by combining the measures where the effect seemed to be only partly working. ...

Page 102:

After years of balancing on the outer limits, the gray became darker and darker until
it was black, and I fell off the edge into the abyss. I’d been having trouble with my
experiments for some time. Even with my various “gray” methods for “improving” the data,
I wasn’t able to get the results the way I wanted them. I couldn’t resist the temptation to go wanted it so badly. I wanted to belong, to be part of the action, to score. I really, really wanted to be really, really good. I wanted to be published in the best journals
and speak in the largest room at conferences. I wanted people to hang on my every word
as I headed for coffee or lunch after delivering a lecture. I felt very alone.


I was alone in my tastefully furnished office at the University of Groningen. I’d taken
extra care when closing the door, and made my desk extra tidy. Everything had to be neat
and orderly. No mess. I opened the computer file with the data that I had entered and
changed an unexpected 2 into a 4; then, a little further along, I changed a 3 into a 5. It
didn’t feel right. I looked around me, nervously. The data danced in front of my eyes.
When the results are just not quite what you’d so badly hoped for; when you know that that
hope is based on a thorough analysis of the literature; when this is your third experiment
on this topic and the first two worked great; when you know that there are other people
doing similar research elsewhere who are getting good results; then, surely, you’re entitled
to adjust the results just a little?

tobychev boosted

⚡️ Russian officials release Alexey Navalny’s body to his mother after days of trying to pressure her into a secret burial. Questions about a public funeral at home in Moscow remain. Russia’s next presidential election begins in just 20 days.

Somewhat related, is it possible to make it so the @meduza_en toots links to meduza itself instead of tweets? Or am I following the wrong account?

tobychev boosted

Aleksej Navalnyj dödades eftersom han vägrade att hålla tyst. Han fortsatte att kommunicera med omvärlden även från fängelset. Hans straffades med odrägliga förhållanden och nästan konstant isolering i straffcell. Nu leker de ryska myndigheterna kurragömma med hans kropp för att undanhålla sanningen om hur han dog.

Det här skrev jag förra året.


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