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tobychev boosted

"Let's Do the Twist"
Fifty-five million light-years away, in the galaxy known as M87, lies a supermassive black hole. The radio image captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) provides direct confirmation that the black hole rotates.
A new study published in "Nature" has given us more rotational evidence, but also questions what exactly causes the black hole to precess.
Read more at:
#astrophysics #astronomy #science #cosmology #blackhole #nature #physics

tobychev boosted
tobychev boosted

10 of the 14 African leaders who have evaded term limits have come to power via military coup, civil conflict, or military support.

In other words, leaders who gained power through extraconstitutional means, subsequently tend to violate legal constraints on their time in power.

Frågan är hur många som ser det orimligt höga priset som en signal om att se sig om efter andra ställen att hänga på... Att det dyker upp ett pris alls kan nog aktivera tankebanor om värdet av tjänster som FB annars är noga med att undvika

Googla gav inga snabba svar, eller ens tydliga ledtrådar. Det är en bra fråga, men generellt är krim oftast mycket mer komplicerat än vad en hoppas på när en slås av en fråga... föreslår att du mailar någon av dessa på SU:

tobychev boosted

Min instans (qoto) har en speciell funktion för att smygfölja (följa utan att de blir notifierade) folk som tydligen skapades just för att låta utsatta grupper kunna spana på troll.

I take med att masto växer i räckvidd kommer delar av de mekanismer som skapade trollindustrin på twitter även påverka masto, så att en del troll skulle komma hit är oundvikligt. Den stora frågan är var en trollkologiska jämnvikten hamnar...

tobychev boosted
tobychev boosted

I (en icke bindande) omröstning i FN:s generalförsamling om en humanitär vapenvila i Gaza röstade 120 länder för. Däribland EU-länder som Frankrike och Spanien.
14 röstade emot, däribland USA och Israel.
45 lade ned sina röster, däribland Sverige.
#FN #UN #Gaza #Israel #Palestine

tobychev boosted

I was absolutely convinced that "the British Navy is firing all its Chinese laundrymen because it's afraid they might be PRC spies and instead of not having any racialized subaltern class doing their laundry, decided to replace them with Nepalese laundrymen" had to be fake news because I was convinced that was too racist even for the British but no, it seems to be real

tobychev boosted

#HurricaneOtis has made landfall near Acapulco as a category 5 storm after having intensified from a tropical storm to a major hurricane within just 12 hours, as measured by a wind speed increase of ~130 km/h. Nothing comparable has been observed so far in this part of the world.

tobychev boosted

The Swedish Academy's historical dictionary of modern Swedish has finally been completed after 140 years!


tobychev boosted
tobychev boosted

What we've come to: Michael Eisen tweets: "I have been informed that I am being replaced as the Editor in Chief of @eLife for retweeting a @theonion piece that calls out indifference to the lives of Palestinian civilians."
I dissent!

tobychev boosted

Good news IEA World Energy Outlook

Coal, oil & gas will have peaked latest by 2030

Only 10 years ago fossil fuel demand had only one direction: up

This has now changed: decline is unstoppable

To be first with the transition is now a competitive advantage

Halving demand by 2030 is needed for 1.5°C

tobychev boosted

Hmm, I kinda like "statistical systems with attributed agency" as a stand-in for "AI".


A bit worrying that plebian probably made that account specifically to harass you on masto: made today and only two toots recorded...

tobychev boosted

Babe are you ok? You’ve barely touched your new domain name.

"In the final hours of negotiations this week, the U.S. continued to insist that the fund be housed within the World Bank. Developing countries have pushed for it instead to be constituted as an independent body like the already established Global Climate Fund, which is housed within the UNFCCC. The U.S. just happens to be the largest shareholder in the World Bank, where overall decision-making power is determined by financial contribution. The Global Climate Fund is governed by a 24-person board, composed of an equal number of representatives from developing and developed countries."

The reference negotiations on the loss and damages fund have now concluded without any result besides agreeing to one more meeting.

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