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tobychev boosted

CEO: "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My company emitted one million tonnes of CO₂ and contributed to climate change."

Priest: "Say three Hail Marys and pay $250 to plant 1000 trees."

CEO: "Thank you, Father."

tobychev boosted

that if you move a mouse cursor fast enough, you can get persistence of vision and, say...
*run a game of Pong inside your mouse's firmware*

tobychev boosted

It remains way past time to stop letting corporations unilaterally make a mess of the sky.

Not with Starlink, not with OneWeb, and not with Qianfan.

QT Andrew Jones @AndrewJonesSpace
2024 August 6

"China launches first satellites for Thousand Sails megaconstellation"

tobychev boosted

On a day when every other post I see is re. tech stocks are plummeting and dragging the rest of the markets down; or Google being ruled a monopoly by US courts

I once again invite people who post about "tech" without filters or CWs

but request others to CW "politics"

to consider why and how "politics" is different for them, and why


A quite scornful commentary on the outcome of the prisoner exchange:

> "However, in reality, those who yesterday spoke against travel bans and sanctions were consciously or not arguing for the restoration of their rights *as a class* of extremely privileged Russians – and not on behalf of the majority of Russians who have never had an opportunity to travel or study abroad (69% according to Levada-Center 2022 poll)  This is why, although they might sincerely think they are speaking in defence of their national collective, in reality they are arguing for class interest and inadvertently revealing how the main discourse among the small but vocal group of Russian ‘opposition think-leaders’ in Europe and the US is really about an ‘antipolitical’ technocratic approach. In addition, this quite narrow interpretation of Russian rights (travel to the West) gives more fuel for regime propagandists to deflect growing dissatisfaction of ordinary Russians by the war: ‘look, these westernized traitors are self-serving’…"

@kallekn @kevinrothrock

tobychev boosted

Climate change deniers make up nearly a quarter of US Congress

Climate denialists – 23 in Senate and 100 in House – are all Republicans and make US an outlier internationally

tobychev boosted

'Analyses of R&D spending and equity investment in biotech predict that the industry is capable of weathering a drop in revenue due to lower drug prices, with no corresponding loss in new approved drugs.'

tobychev boosted

Really cool study investigating correlations and differences in music perception in relation to native langue, in particular whether your native tongue is tonal or not. TL;DR speaking a tonal language means you're better at perceiving pitch, but worse at perceiving rhythm!

tobychev boosted

"No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens

tobychev boosted

Astronomers from the University of Helsinki have found that the rotational profile of a nearby #star, V889 Herculis, differs considerably from that of the Sun.

The star rotates the fastest at a latitude of about 40 degrees, while both the equator and polar regions rotate more slowly.

The observation provides insights into the fundamental stellar #astrophysics and helps understanding the activity of the Sun, its spot structures and eruptions.


tobychev boosted

This is hilariously bad peak bubble bullshit marketing. The value proposition of this product is apparently you don't have any human friends so you want inane LLM babble at the press of a button to convey the impression of a "friend" interacting with you.

It's like a Furby without the fur.

tobychev boosted

Wind and solar energy overtake fossil fuels to provide 30% of EU electricity

Report finds 13 member states generated more energy from wind and solar power than coal and gas for first time in 2024

tobychev boosted

As many as 50,000 queer people currently serve in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the country offers them and their partners no legal protections.@timkmak’s Counteroffensive looks at what happens when an LGBTQ+ serviceperson is injured, killed or goes missing during the war, as well as the possibility of new legislation on civil partnerships, and the challenges of making that happen in a conflict zone.

#Ukraine #LGBTQ #UkraineRussia #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

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We've got solar panels and when there's not enough power being generated to cover usage of big appliances I like to pretend I'm a star ship captain by turning stuff off from non essential systems. I issue commands like divert power from lights to tumble dryer.

tobychev boosted

'A dazzled Congress gave Netanyahu fifty-eight standing ovations, lasting about half of the speech’s duration and marking a record in US history, or perhaps any country’s history, at more than 400 percent the number Kim Jong Un receives in North Korea, thus breaking Netanyahu’s own record from 2015, when his forty-three-minute speech received forty-three standing ovations and rounds of applause from nearly every single US lawmaker. After a long, torturous hour of cheering and clapping, lawmakers scrambled on the House floor to shake Netanyahu’s hand.'

tobychev boosted

I'm pro-shark on this one

"The statistics in this article mostly refer to unprovoked bites. But there have been reports of shark attacks from people feeding, grabbing, petting, kicking, chasing and, in at least one case, kissing wild sharks. These types of attacks seem to be especially common among social media influencers."

tobychev boosted

Det är alltså tusen pers som ansökte om omställningsstudiestöd FÖRRA VÅREN som inte har fått besked ännu. Och om man istället söker studielån och bidrag eftersom det kan dröja så länge kan man inte få omställningsstudiestöd för den tiden. Det är ju helt vrickat.

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A wildfire started in the hills northeast of Chico, California, USA. These photos, taken on July 25, 2024, show the smoke at the Allen Telescope Array in Hat Creek, California, USA. From our local staff: "We are still getting heavy smoke from the fire and the air quality is hazardous. At the time of writing, the head of the fire is just 35 miles southwest of the observatory between Highway 36 and 44. We are monitoring the situation closely and we might need to evacuate at some point."


tobychev boosted

Good Lord, how depressing is that Google Gemini ad about getting the AI to write your kid’s fan letter to her hero athlete? Why not get Midjourney to make a picture to enclose as well? What do they think it means for a child to write a fan latter, or for a recipient to read one?

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