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~b boosted
~b boosted
~b boosted

"you can't just block instances for things you don't like"

uh yes I can, that's literally what I'm supposed to do

~b boosted

So newlines in Markdown code blocks just disappear. The raw ActivityPub data shows no \n\

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Testing Mastodon’s Markdown, just ignore.

backtick fences    4 space indentblank link


4 space indent code block    4 more spacesblank line


~b boosted

#Smithereen update: group and event invitations!

Yes, these do federate. No, they aren't compatible with anything else out there.

#ActivityPub #mastodev

~b boosted

We don't believe in disconnecting people's ability to access or publish information just because their country is ran by a 'bad guy' as seen in the global eyes. Everyone has the right to privacy and information. That's our hot take.

We're all people.

#privacy #ukraine #russia #freedom

The current state of printers, man... I just want to print one fxxxxxx sheet of paper.

I can't find the printer on my network.
The printer is offline.
The printer's driver is outdated.
The printer "requires" an unholy amount of bloatware, 5+ separate applications, 3 of which occupy my taskbar.
I need to sign into a HP account to see my current printer jobs.
The printer software shows no jobs in progress.
On and on and on.

~b boosted

I want to show you that that Internet you used to go exploring is still very much there. There are still tons of small personal websites, and a wealth of long form text from both the past and the present.

So it's a search engine. It's perhaps not the greatest at finding what you already knew was there, instead it is designed to help you find some things you didn't even know you were looking for.

~b boosted
~b boosted is the official German government portal for doing government-related paperwork online.

They have now created their own Mastodon instance at which contains some official accounts. You can find them on the instance's directory page:

➡️ (in German)

This is a really promising sign! The Fediverse can allow citizens to interact with public officials without having to give away personal data.

#BundDe #Germany #Deutschland #Deutsch #Government

Music enjoyers: How do you sort your music files? What do you recommend?

Right now, for all music I download in 2022, I have:


But this has some issues. I want a general timeline of music by year of download, but then some songs by the same artist a separated into different years. Do I instead ditch the years thing and use/abuse the files' modified time stat? Do you have a different approach?

~b boosted

"If you want to write fast software, use a slow computer" - Dominic Tarr

I have always loved this quote and lived by its message long before I found it so succinctly put. Thanks again, Dominic.

~b boosted
~b boosted

Somehow I've never seen these shots of the map editor for MadSpace, a Russian non-euclidean DOS fps. Just about what I expected. #DOSGaming

~b boosted
~b boosted

university compsci clubs in the 90s: we host our own IRC server, email infrastructure, ftp, shared UNIX computer, NNTP...

university compsci clubs in 2022: google suite is too hard so someone here has a Discord you could join if you know who to ask

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.