@freemo #2021
Done drinking. Not because of it's effects on my behavour, but because it's bad for my body. It's literally toxic. It shouldn't even be legal if there are non toxic drugs like benzos that pretty much have the same effects. And like all drugs, it's a crutch. I'm not gunna tell anyone what to do with their body, I'm just saying I think I'll be happier without it. Happy 2021, everyone.
@Diptchip Wait your saying benzos are less toxic than alcohol? I'd consider them both toxic in high enough dosage, and neither is toxic in low doses.
A lot of studies do suggest alcohol in low doses is healther than not drinking at all, im not sure there is evidence of that for benzos though (unless you need it for mental health of course)..
Anyway I largely agree its healthy to avoid most drugs, alcohol included.
Happy 2021
A lot of studies suggest alcohol in low doses is healthier than not drinking at all?
Somehow I doubt that. I think they mostly talk about (red) wine, of that I do seem to recall that in low doses it seems to have some healthy benefits, but even that is contested. Anything else is a no go.
Oops you are correct. So thats still a little less than one drink a day.. one drink per day on the weekdays I guess.