@OmegaVariant Exaggerating is quite an art and you've got it down pat.
So you're basically saying that @OmegaVariant is a normie?
@trinsec yup, there are two normies.. the covid is a hoax normie, and the I will punch you in the face for not wearing a mask normie. The non-normies exist somewhere in the middle.
@freemo @trinsec Covid is real, but the response from Western Govts and MSM has been very 1984-like. I know you’re alluding to the left/right division there is in the society right now, although, my intention in the first post was to highlight how the leaders of public/private institutions encourage this and exploit it to acquire more un-checked power. My man, I wish I was just like another normie, and others start to realise this too.
Exaggeration is the new norm.