The amount of fucking arcane knowledge required to get the simplest things working in #Android is mind-blowing. I just spent a day trying to figure out why the bottom navigation menu isn't working, unsuccessfully. I finally ended up creating a new project based on the bottom navigation menu template, which worked. I then compared the bloody things literally line-by-line, coming to the conclusion that the thing I'm missing is apparently virgin sacrifices, since the code is identical except one version works and the other doesn't.
There's one upside to dealing with all this bullshit: with every passing day front-end development, which until now I considered the bottom of the barrel, becomes more attractive by comparison.
@Amikke Heh, why would front-end development be the bottom of the barrel? If any, it's probably much harder because it needs to be intuitive to the end-user so that they're not smashing buttons like a damn savage in order to get something done.