I did not “discard” her opinion. I said I was sceptical that anyone's subjective experience is very meaningful per se in these matters. That's why we have peer-reviewed studies, surveys and statistics in the social sciences. If you think I “discarded” her opinion, well, you are now “discarding” mine by expressing disagreement, too.
I did not criticised her opinion “because she's pretty”. That is clear to anyone who read my article without prejudice. No-one is responsible for the genes they were dealt, and physique is obviously orthogonal to moral authority and to the quality of one's reasoning.
What I did is calling attention to the hypocrisy of denouncing that #girls are unjustly expected to be pretty while at the same time
* basing one's career, success and popularity as a woman on always appearing as pretty as possible everywhere (own web site, MSM, SM, LI) through clothing (or lack thereof), make-up, lighting, suggestive poses and careful post production,
* participating in beauty contests, which as I pointed out are at the very least controversial among #feminists, and definitely an area with _enormous_ #inequality between the sexes, where girls (and _only_ girls) are indeed expected to be (extremely) pretty, _by definition_,
* focusing her more recent work (as a coach) around #BeautyPageants, targeting women exclusively and explicitly, and glorifying that career option with her language and promotional material.
@tripu Unlike you, she didn't assert fundamental "scientific" facts or unrefutable religious truths, she obviously described her experience and opinion, and that doesn't change no matter how many times you point that out. Thus your criticisms of her person serve no purpose but to discard her opinion.
Also I'm not into whatever perversions you mean by "beauty genes", I was talking about her occupations and presentation of herself.
Read again please, and try thinking this time, instead of mindlessly rambling on revealing more and more of your own nonsensical biases.