Always fun to do interviews in French! Listen to me explain the German position on tank deliveries to the Suisse radio RTS.
The NFDI consortium Text+ is funding a new project at @ZPD in 2023. The topic is digital magazines from the home computer scene of the 1980s and 1990s that were published exclusively on floppy disk - so-called "diskmags". The goals of the project are to create an international catalog as well as a representative text corpus.
Applicant and project leader is @toroe . Recently the slides of the presentation at the TEI Conference 2022 in Newcastle have been published online.
@sqrtminusone That’s interesting, thanks for sharing! I guess I’ll try #OfflineIMAP at some point then. With #DavMail in the loop, the performance difference between #mbsync and OfflineIMAP should be negligible…
Update on my experiences with #DavMail and #mbsync: after a lot of experimentation, it turned out that the problem of unsynced messages occurred with messages above a certain size. Apparently DavMail behaves in a way that differs from other #IMAP servers and that mbsync doesn’t handle well.
I’ve massively increased the size of buf in src/socket.h (from 100000 to 5000000), and this seems to have solved the problem. The real problem is probably in the protocol handling, but this is at least a workaround that allows me to continue reading mail with #mu4e in #Emacs.
I found the problem discussed together with this similar, but probably unrelated issue:
According to the discussion, the culprit is #poppler, and the problem should go away with a newer version. I’ve just updated poppler to 23.01.0, we’ll see how it goes…
There’s been speculation that this might be a test to see if absence of third-party #Twitter apps affects engagement. But it doesn’t matter anymore. We’re watching the developers react in real-time on a competing platform. Their trust in Twitter is gone. Their customers’ trust in Twitter is gone. And they’re more loyal to the developers than they ever were to Twitter. API usage could have been a feature of Blue. But now people are lining up to pay for #Ivory, #Mammoth, #Mona, etc.—not Twitter.
Trick to prevent #pandoc from adding title, date or author to the document text: unset the `title` variable by assigning it the empty string:
pandoc -V title= …
Title, author, and date will still be included in the document's #metadata, but won't show up in the main text body. A common use-case for this is #HTML output, where the default header block may be unwanted.
@TedUnderwood Like, literally ;-)
@TedUnderwood The crisis is precisely no longer being able to use ⒜ as a proxy for ⒝. I agree that it’s an opportunity, but in many contexts there is little reflection on the goals of teaching and testing, which makes it very difficult to come up with alternatives to essays.
@jesseabe For me personally (I don’t think there are many who’d agree), some foundational texts for #DigitalHumanities are:
- Granger, Gilles-Gaston (1967). Pensée formelle et sciences de l'homme. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne. [There is an English translation, which I’d avoid if you can read the original.]
- Гладкий, А. В., & Мельчук, И. А. (1969). Элементы математической лингвистики. Москва: Наука. [There are French, German, and English translations.]
- Leff, Gordon (1972). Models inherent in history. In T. Shanin (Ed.), The Rules of the Game (pp. 148–160). Abingdon: Tavistock.
- Stachowiak, Herbert (1973). Allgemeine Modelltheorie. Wien, New York: Springer.
- Gardin, Jean-Claude (1991). Le calcul et la raison. Paris: Éd. de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
- Moles, Abraham A. (1995). Les sciences de l'imprécis. Paris: Seuil.
- Gardin, J. (2012). Modèles et récits. In J. Berthelot (Ed.), Épistémologie des sciences sociales (pp. 407–454). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Meunier, Jean-Guy (2014). Humanités numériques ou computationnelles. Sens public.
La revue scientifique Humanités Numériques @RevueHN sort son 6ème numéro (voir sommaire dans l'image jointe)
Un article m'a particulièrement intéressé : « Objectifs et stratégies de publication d’un bulletin de liaison : Le Médiéviste et l’Ordinateur (1979-1989) », qui raconte l'histoire et le fonctionnement d'une revue (avant-gardiste) consacrée à l'usage de l'informatique dans la recherche en histoire médiévale.
Updated my profile to assert that my posts are licensed CC-BY-ND. Reasons best explained by visiting recent posts from @djsundog and following the big twisty threads.
Also relevant; In-depth blog post:
If people want Mastodon instances to behave a certain way, those rules should be written down.
And finally, the big Searchtodon Retrospective:
I erred on the side of including more rather than less and take you through:
- My background and the motivation for creating Searchtodon.
- The initial design and research.
- Recap of *the experiment*, including results and commentary.
- tl;dr: 2 our of 3 hypotheses came back positive.
- Recap of the feedback received (the juicy bits).
- A (somewhat hopeful) look at the way forward.
The call for papers/participation the "#Games and #Literature" conference at the @DLAMarbach ends soon!
Apply here:
I just wrote a short piece over on about how the h-index rose to prominence because it was a clever UI hack—and now that the UI hack is no longer needed, it may seem like a curious choice of bibliometric measure.
Here's the link if you want to read it there.
I'll serialize here as well, below.
Gold Machine's monstrous, ten-part series on A Mind Forever Voyaging concludes today! Thanks for coming along for the ride.
Next comes the end of the six game Zork saga: Spellbreaker! To celebrate this milestone, I'll be typing up a let's play over at the Interactive Fiction Community Forum. I'll post a link when it goes up in a few days.
In plaat van "science-driven society" kan je bv "research-driven society" schrijven. Het blijft lastig, maar ruim 15 jaar geleden hebben we ervoor gepleit om de geplande European Science Council te hernoemen in European Research Council (ERC), en met succes. Words matter!
Jammer de UvA het woord "wetenschap" verkeerd vertaalt met "science". Het Engelse woord "science" is niet inclusief: het sluit humanities uit. Het Nederlandse woord "wetenschap" is wel inclusief. Ben benieuwd wat rector Peter-Paul Verbeek bedoelde.
Associate professor of digital humanities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professeur associé en humanités numériques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse