Morgen möchten wir uns wieder die Köpfe heiß diskutieren bei unserem Gesprächskreis! Von 11-12 Uhr stellt @toroe essentielle Fragen zu ethischen Aspekten der #DigitalHumanities. Es moderiert @resonanzfilter Komm gerne spontan vorbei, Zugangsdaten findest du hier
"the increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence in peer review by companies such as Elsevier, Wiley, and Springer excises critical human judgement in the evaluation of scholarship and serves the capitalist interests of these corporate entities rather than academic interests and values."
The outlook is bleak:
"the core functions of higher education are destined to be quantified and that this data will be harvested, curated, and repackaged through a variety of enterprise management platforms"
"enterprise companies correctly see an opportunity for vertical integration and end-to-end or closed-loop systems"
No doubt there are fish hooks in his perspective too, but I found Stephen Wolfram's description of the potential synergies between ChatGPT and Wolfram|Alpha illuminating.
He highlights the inadequacies of ChatGPT but also (primarily) the ongoing value of human-curated, structured, data.
This website provides the full back archive of BYTE magazine, all 23 years of it from 1975 to to 1998. It's a treasure trove of vintage tech and nostalgia, not even carries all the issues.
The site actually focuses on old Apple magazines, but has also PC magazines and other resources on the history of microcomputing.
Kudos to WashU for a progressive stance on #ChatGPT and other AI text generators. Their Center for Teaching and Learning is also holding workshops to help faculty understand what’s new.
Here's my contribution to #receptiogate. I am nearly a 100% sure that I have been at their stated address, 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, a few years ago to attend a chocolate-making workshop. It was a lot of fun. No manuscripts involved though.
RT @DHBenelux
#SaveTheDate for 10th edition of the #DHBenelux2023 Conference @kbrbe the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels from 31 May – 2 June 2023! the full #CFP & deadlines-> & Pardon our dust as we get the website together!
We are looking for data scientists who would like to teach Data Science to master students at the University of Greifswald. This is a full time open-end position.
Wie können digitale Texte resistenter gemacht werden gegen Plagiate? Im @Mittelalterblog nimmt Christof Rolker einen aktuellen Fall zum Anlass, darüber nachzudenken, wie in den #Geisteswissenschaften digital publiziert wird und benennt Probleme, die angegangen werden müssen.
Sapienti satis est (?): Zur digitalen Quellenkritik im Kontext von Plagiatsvorwürfen:
C'est enfin tout à fait officiel : à partir de février 2023 j'entame un postdoc à Lausanne avec @yrochat !
J'ai encore du mal à réaliser et j'ai tellement hâte 🔥
On Feb. 17th & 18th the first meeting of the group for the "history of computer science and computers" (at @informatik) will take place a the department for #mediastudies at University Bonn.
There will be talks, planning discussions, and visits to computer historical collections in Bonn.
If you are interested to participate go here: (and drop me an email)
#ComputerHistory #ComputerScience #Retrocomputing #ComputerArcheology #ArtificialIntelligence
@RevueHN commence l'année 2023 en accomplissant sa première bonne résolution : déménager sur Mastodon ! Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
@epyllia Thank you for making me aware of version 2.0! I’m probably going to use it next semester for a discussion about the different conceptions of #DigitalHumanities in North America and Europe.
@epyllia I guess this would be the “1.0,” wouldn’t it?
From Christof Rolker, one of the plagiarized scholars:
"So by now, I am 99.99% percent certain that the text in question consisted in large parts of plagiarized material. Also, by now the project description has been moved, reworked, abbreviated, and translated, effectively stopping to contain plagiarized material in its most recent version. While stopping to plagiarize is a good thing, the silent correction also means that the authors who were plagiarized are still not given credit, no apologies were made, and in fact checking the allegations of plagiarism has become more difficult."
La bibliothèque de l'Université de Genève recrute un responsable de plan d'action Data Stewardship (80%, 2 ans) #RDM #Job #DataStewardship
(classe 19, c'est un salaire annuel à 6 chiffres)
Associate professor of digital humanities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professeur associé en humanités numériques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse