Digitale Forschung in der Theologie - freue mich sehr, bei dieser Tagung von @VanOorschot_FEST und Knut Wormstädt
vom 29.-31.3.23 in Aachen mit vielen Akteur*innen aus #DH und #Theologie eine Response halten zu dürfen. Eine Anmeldung ist bis zum 10.3. per Mail möglich, s. Programm
“The #fediverse is like #email.”
Now read this and understand it:
“I have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999 … But my emails are just not delivered anymore. I might as well not have an email server.
Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality … I lost. We lost. One cannot reliably deploy independent email servers.“
Via @cancel
* LanguageTool integration
* Status bar for the editors
* A ton of bug fixes and performance improvements
Chalch, Chien, Chiis, Chlette, Chlotz, Chlütter, Chrüsi, Chümi, Grampolschybe, Schotter, Stei, Stutz usw.: lauter kreative #schweizerdeutsch|e Wörter für #Geld. Sie sind das Thema der 162. #Idiotikon-Wortgeschichte:
#LeGoldenSnack existe depuis 2002 à proximité du port et du minitrain de #Pully, mais la Municipalité demande aux gérants de faire place nette d’ici au 31 janvier. #unbelievable #PullyNEWS
Just published "Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches" (fifth edition) by @StefanMuelller #openaccess #tbls
Ausschreibung Junior Fellowships #infocliojob
Cannot reiterate this enough:
PLEASE don’t request refunds from Apple for any unused time on your Twitterrific or Tweetbot subscriptions.
It could literally bankrupt small shops like these.
- Schlesinger bot amtierender Kulturchefin Vertrag über all-in 450 T EUR an.
- Rundfunkrat Stohn zu 1,4 Mio Anwaltshonoraren: man könne den Eindruck gewinnen, dass die vom RBB hauptsächlich beschäftigte Kanzlei Lutz und Abel „möglichen Mittätern des Systems Schlesinger hilft, den Kopf aus der Schlinge zu ziehen“.
Call for proposals JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023
This programme enables researchers in Switzerland to stay in Japan for 12 to 24 months.
Deadline: 13 February 2023.
JOB: Professor in Applied Linguistics (German), Ghent University. Deadline: 13.3.2023
I am testing mastodon for a bit, so more probably it is useful to make an official #presentation I am a postdoc at the #digitalhumanities unit at the university of geneva, where I am working in the fuzzy area that exist in the intersection between knowledge graphs, big visual data and cultural interpretation. Maybe #digitalarthistory ? Academia aside: movie lover, aperitif enthusiast, politics chatterbox, espresso drinker and reader of written pages.
CfP: DaSCHCon on Digital Editions & Interoperability #infoclioevent
The changelog for this monster release is over 1000 lines long. Highlights:
- `pandoc lua` works as a #LuaLang interpreter;
- `pandoc server` starts #pandoc as a server;
- The new "chunkedhtml" format generates paged, book-like output;
- Support for [[wikilinks]] and ==highlighting== in #Markdown (both hidden behind extensions);
- Better support for complex #figures;
- list tables for #reStructuredText output;
- and much more.
When we talk about #accessibility and inclusiveness at research/academic events:
As session chair or moderator, please learn how to #pronounce the #names of the speakers! Apologizing for having no idea or for clearly wrong pronunciation is not a valid solution
When the room is equipped with a #microphone, please use it! No, your “loud voice” is not enough — and it will not last for very long, anyway
2019: big petition in the #machineLearning community to allow remote presentations at scientific conferences
2020-21: ML conferences are virtual-only
2022: several major in-person conferences are super-spreader events
2023: "at least one author of each accepted paper must attend to present their work in person"
I know the virtual formats were less than ideal, but I can't blame junior researchers who are torn between flying halfway across the globe for a conference and harming their career.
Vous voulez commencer la nouvelle année en beauté ? Rejoignez @proghist en français ! Nous recrutons des rédactrices et rédacteurs. Toutes les infos ici :
My let's play of Spellbreaker starts over at the IF Community Forum tomorrow. I made the thread early in case anyone wants to play along. You don't have register to read along, though I would welcome comments from new members.
Associate professor of digital humanities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professeur associé en humanités numériques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse