It may seem that LLM or anything “AI” in general will make studying (or learning at schools) easier for students, but harder for institutions bc they have to come up with exams to exclude effects of using those tools and trying to control what’s happening
The effect on the long run will be very different, though: it will get much harder for students as the use of AI is assumed and *expected*. So students are demanded to do much more than that and explicitly show creativity, innovation, etc.
Shift Happens: A book about keyboards
We are hiring! Assistant Professorship with Tenure Track in *Computational Social Science with a Focus on Communication*.
Join us at U of Zurich. Great opportunities, details below.
@communicationscholars #commodon @ICA_CAT @PolComm @computationalsocialscience
This weekend's unexpected obsession blog post:
Hand-drawn maps of Zork.
Tomorrow is #BringYourAtariToWorkDay, a holiday started by @benjedwards and @Recta_Pete!
What kind of Atari are you going to bring to work tomorrow? #RetroComputing #RetroGaming
The Animals - Paint It Black
#ChatGPT’s answers can be a little off.
Google is much better at providing facts.
It’s not able to create a true creative work of art.
But it might be just the right kind of tool to help you break through writer’s block and get the creative juices flowing
Come and learn web-based collaborative text #annotation & analysis with @forTEXT 's platform #CATMA. 🐱 It's coming to Bielefeld in April! @M_K_Schumacher #trainingschool #cls #dh
I'm continuing recent discussions of Spellbreaker over at Gold Machine. Today, I talk about its rising critical fortunes over the years while making general introductions.
Going through my reading list, I rediscovered this interesting interview with Marisa Parham
[…] if I am answering honestly, I do think I am working in the digital humanities. It is so fascinating to me, because I do a lot of very technical things, like programming and coding, and there are people in DH who say “well that's not digital humanities, that's just programming.” And then I do things that are more theoretical and critical, and that isn't considered digital humanities either. This gets to the definitional question of what are we talking about when we use the term “digital humanities.” Is it about method, or about the object of inquiry, or about a tool?
Was der Deepmind Gründer Demis Hassabis über Chat-GPT denkt
The web is an informational paradise and a hellscape at the same time. But there are concrete ways in which we can protect ourselves from information overload.
Read this helpfull article about #criticalthinking and #criticalignoring via @The ConversationUS
BREAKING: Getty Images just filed a copyright and trademark infringement lawsuit against Stability AI in Delaware District Court. Getty alleges that Stability copied more than 12 million Getty photos to train Stable Diffusion. Full complaint here:
Le dernier numéro des #AnnalesHSS est en ligne.
Au sommaire :
- #Savoirs modernes en perspective
- Histoire d'un #livre (#goncourt2021)
- Biens #communs
Et un train de comptes rendus sur "#Livres et circulation des #savoirs
👉 Sur Cambridge Core:
👉 Sur Cairn:
It’s always fun to translate French formal closings:
French: En vous remerciant de bien vouloir considérer la présente avec bienveillance, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le Doyen, à l’assurance de ma considération très distinguée.
English: Thank you for your kind consideration of this letter.
I guess “of this letter” already makes this excessively verbose ;-)
Interesting new research on the #evaluation of #interdisciplinary researchers:
Riccardo Fini, Julien Jourdan, Markus Perkmann, and Laura Toschi: “A New Take on the Categorical Imperative: Gatekeeping, Boundary Maintenance, and Evaluation Penalties in Science”
#Pandoc 3 introduced #Markdown support for #wikilinks:
There is no consensus across tools whether the link title should come before or after the pipe character, so pandoc supports both. Choose by enabling either of the new extensions
Works with #CommonMark, too: for GitHub wiki input, use gfm+wikilinks_title_after_pipe
Twitter killt die freie API und damit viele spannende Projekte.
Du hast einen Bot und brauchst eine neue Heimat? Wir bieten dir ein neues Zuhause!
Associate professor of digital humanities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professeur associé en humanités numériques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse