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TwoTwenty boosted
TwoTwenty boosted
TwoTwenty boosted

Right now we are witnessing evil vs evil with evil on the sidelines cheering.

NATO nations are hyping up Ukraine to fight a loosing war, NATO and Ukraine is arming civilians to fight toward inevitable death or loss. Russia is invading and killing people on mass.

Evil is invading Evil with an Evil alliance on the side lines cheering on the invaded. poor civilians are being radicalized by one of the sides of this evil .

there is no lesser evils just weaker ones with the desire to claw their way up the ladder of power.

Right now we are witnessing evil vs evil with evil on the sidelines cheering.

NATO nations are hyping up Ukraine to fight a loosing war, Nato is arming civilians to fight toward inevitable death or loss.

Evil is invading Evil with an Evil alliance on the side lines cheering on the invaded. poor civilians are being radicalized by one side of this evil.

there is no lesser evils just weaker ones with the desire to slaw their way up the ladder of power.

Lukashenko: 'Belarus will NOT join Russian operation'

Belarus President insisted there is “no necessity” to send his armed forces to join the Russian special operation in Ukraine at his country’s Security Council meeting on Tuesday. (BelTA)

Belarusian military units near Ukraine are there to reinforce the border and “avoid radicals and weapons” from entering Belarus.

His statement comes despite Ukrainian media reporting Belarusian forces had actually entered Ukrainian territory, which Regional Forces of Territorial Defense spox Vitaly Kirillov denied.


if this is true I heard tons of UN delegates either captures by this lie or perpetuating it. Their job is to be informed for decision making.

The desire to simplify complex situations and systems is noble, often though the act of it without consideration is bafoonery.

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TwoTwenty boosted

We contacted Julian Assange in prison. He says that everyone in #Ukraine should install @BriarApp NOW before the internet goes down. @BriarApp is designed to let people safely communicate with each other in exactly this situation

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Julian Assange has won more than 25 awards for his Journalism and Publishing work including #walkleys @TheEconomist @amnesty and @TIME awards
#JournalismIsNotACrime #FreeAssangeNOW

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The Star US prosecution witness in case against Julian Assange has been revealed as convicted fraudster who has admitted he fabricated his accusations against the WikiLeaks publisher #FreeAssangeNOW

do not turst, trump, biden, trudeau, putin, etc.

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what is it good for, bankers and arms dealers.

I know not to trust CNN, CBC, RT, USA, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, UN, insert politically rhetorical group here.

Problem is people are dying, have been dying and will continue to die cause elite.

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TwoTwenty boosted



Reality: 👇

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When asked if he will impose a party line for the vote, Trudeau said anyone who doesn’t vote in favour of the move doesn’t have confidence in “the competency of the government.”

I guess he hopes the 7 day debate is meaningless.

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