Since we passed 50 users on our Discourse forum the QOTO forum is now out of bootstrap mode! All new users will now start at trust level 0. Thanks everyone.


Why everyone seems to be using discourse only for forum?

@vibhi Because it is the nicest looking with the best features IMO.


Going to change your opinion today 😂

Do visit and checkout, I wanted to run this but never got any niche to run for.

@vibhi @freemo

"Something went wrong while trying to load the full version of this site. Try hard-refreshing this page to fix the error."

Not a great first impression.

@khird interesting I never had that issue, can you try again? Maybe something with your internet


@freemo Well I was waiting for your comment over this although discourse is right choice if you looking for stable platform.

Although it's used by every other guy on internet that made it a bit boring I guess but work flawless.


No clue went wrong without access to the machine i couldnt really investigate. Probably low resources


@khird it's not loading the css js files in your browser for some reason

@vibhi Odd. Well, turning incognito mode off fixes it - although why that should be the case doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Does your CSS delivery scheme rely on being able to save cookies?


It's not my forum or Project, I was just telling about it as discourse is WordPress of forum 😅.
It's indeed weird behavior for not loading Css Js file in incognito although it's not happening in my case.

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