@shakil_tcs hmm you basically just past a query link as a feed address..? at least, it works for me.
@shakil_tcs hmm, there is https://arxiv.org/help/api/user-manual describing the queries that return atom feeds.
@drq по рассказам очевидцев, лет 15 назад, до повсеместного введения турникетов с пропусками эту роль играла любая коробка из-под техники.
- вы куда?
- разве не видите, я принтер несу!
@RL_Dane my PocketBook Touch 2 bought in 2013 still works great for its main purpose: reading fiction books.
The screen is slightly worse than the one in Kindle though and was replaced twice (the original was sadly lost in a spontaneous strife with friends years ago), also the web browser is almost useless now due to tls and large blobs of js everywhere, but otherwise it is still fine. PB has more-or-less regular Linux kernel inside, the apps are built with Qt, so I have an sftp server and vim on it for max cozyness ^)
really impressed by numba (jit compiler for python) performance.
I had a piece of rather trivial code, some manipulations with pandas dataframes that was kinda slow and (the most important) despite all my attempts copied the entire df twice. The df in question was about 6G, so its coping was always receiving a lot of attention from the OOM killer.
I rewrote it tonight in fortran-style (well, a scientist can write fortran in any language), slapped @njit on it, preallocated all columns, passed raw numpy arrays inside the function and the problem is gone.
OK it is really late here, but today's reveal of the first JWST image of the galaxy cluster SMACS-0723 was amazing, and I am still digesting it. There is so much stuff going on, it is absolutely breathtaking!
Just to get an idea of what an improvement this is over Hubble, over at The Robot Report, they show this beautiful side-by-side view of the previous best image taken with Hubble, and tonight's result. It's wild.
Solargraphic Analemmas
Image Credit & Copyright: Dawid Rycabel (Pinholove)
@EnigmaVoice @lieslia_sau@mastodon.ml о, та же история: статью допилить, железо обновить, снаряжения докупить, в итоге куча ещё и растёт в геометрической прогрессии :)
astrophysics PhD student at #MPE specializing in galactic dynamics. He/him. Enjoys fancy #sciviz and reason, avoids flamewars. Occasional poorly-worded #foss advocacy. Spent an inexplicable amount of time taming #latex to end up disappointed with it.