@MugsysRapSheet well why not is because he doesn't have authority to do so.
A president does not have the authority to rewrite the Constitution.
No, SCOTUS didn't decide that the president is above the law, it went out of its way to say the exact opposite, demanding the continued prosecution of the former president.
I don't know who you're listening to, but they are misleading you. If you read the Supreme Court ruling yourself it debunks those claims.
@MugsysRapSheet compliant Congress?
Have you checked the record of Congress lately? They can barely comply with their own duties much less anything the other branch is asking for.
Meanwhile the Supreme Court refused to grant Trump the blanket indemnity that he was seeking, and that's not even getting into case after case where the court refused to join Trump in even considering his disputes.
So the record just doesn't support the conspiracy theory you're laying out here.
It's nutty. It's not realistic.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
The #GOP controlled House is obstructing everything in sight under #Biden, and rolled over for #TheOrangeMenace.
And the Senate minority abuses the filibuster like a red-headed step-child.
If (God forbid) #TheOrangeMenace worms his way back into the WH, they'll roll over for him again if they regain control.
@MugsysRapSheet no that's not how the US government functions.
The House doesn't obstruct, but rather the people that we elected to the House get to represent us in passing legislation that they find to be compelling.
Yeah, we should stop reelecting the same jerks to the house, but so long as we do, they're not obstructing, they're representing us.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
SERIOUSLY? (and I can provide a half dozen other examples.)🤦♂️
@MugsysRapSheet Yes seriously that is how the US government functions.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
You ACTUALLY believe Congress is 100% in tune with the American people? 🤦♂️
@MugsysRapSheet I believe we vote for our congresspeople, and if we don't like the job they're doing we need to stop reelecting them.
I think this is a very important issue, far more important than the president. I mean, a president generally can't do anything that the people that we put in power don't authorize.
So if your congresspeople aren't representing you well, for God's sake stop reelecting them.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
You are in deep denial of the fact the reelection rate of politicians mirrors what the voters believe.
No. Encumbants are reelected by the most vocal & motivated voters. Rarely the majority.
@MugsysRapSheet I don't know what you think is denial. I think I'm agreeing with you.
Yeah, incumbents are reelected by voters, that's what I was saying. So if voters don't like how their representatives are representing them, they should stop giving those people that power.
I don't know what you think I'm denying here, it's really important to emphasize that we don't have to keep sending the same people to Congress if we don't like how they are handling themselves.
It's really important to emphasize that we can elect better people if we want better people elected.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
But you're saying out elected representatives are in tune with the beliefs of their constituents and that they vote accordingly.
That simply isn't true.
@MugsysRapSheet as you said, the people who vote voted their beliefs.
Anyone who decides not to vote takes themselves out of the process.
And so, again, we need to emphasize that we can vote for better people if we want to. We have that power. And we need to hold our representatives accountable by voting for better people.
Anyone who decides not to vote is voluntarily forfeiting, so they're just not relevant by their own choice.
Anyone who doesn't want to be part of the political system I have no problem with. In fact I encourage that. If you don't care, don't vote, leave it to the rest of us to figure out.
BUT those of us who do have opinions and are willing to hold representatives accountable, we have the power to choose better people.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
You're admitting the only views Congress represents are those of the most vocal minority.
BUT there's another factor you're missing: #VoterDisenfranchisement due to pointless voter restrictions, loopholes, and voter-caging to stop "certain demographics" from having their votes counted (or being able to vote at all.)
People should be picking their representatives, not the other way around.
@MugsysRapSheet I'm admitting that the only views Congress represents are those of the people who bother to vote.
You want your views represented? Vote!
Otherwise you're out of the system. That's just how it works.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
And you continue to ignore the fact Congress picks their voters.
@MugsysRapSheet they don't.
That's absolutely not true.
Legally, that is not how voting works. Congress does not pick their voters. For a couple of different reasons. Not the least of which being the legal separation between federal and state powers.
So no, Congress does not pick their voters. It was intentionally designed to prevent that, and legally that is not possible because of those safeguards.
I don't know who told you otherwise, but you need to stop listening to them, they are misleading you, and we have such a huge problem of misinformation in this country, conspiracy theories being spread around.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
We're going round-and-round on this, and despite my providing evidence to the contrary, you continue to insist it's not true.
I LIVE in one such Gerrymandered district. 🤦♂️
Congress does not set state election districts.
That's not a federal authority.
That is set on the state level, not by Congress.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
You keep claiming "#SCotUS didn’t decide that the president is above the law."
What do you call it when a #Potus can't be investigated or even have his motives questions as long as it falls under the umbrella of "official duties"? T**** HIMSELF says he has this power. ONLY YOU claim otherwise.
You REALLY need to pull your head out of your butt and stop making excuses for him.
Quote it.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
🙄 He doesn't need to "rewrite the #Constitution" to give himself the authority to fire/arrest anyone in his cabinet he suspects of betrayal.
But he IS pushing to have the 26th Amendment "amended". And with a compliant Congress & willing #SCotUS, he can get whatever he wants.
SCotUS says anything classified as "an official duty" can't be stopped, questioned or prosecuted. And asking his AG to prosecute "traitors" is well within his authority.