Lord this is SO "on-brand" for #ToddlerTrump.
There was talk among his cabinet TWICE about using the 25th to remove him from office b/c he's a #felon that has no business running the most powerful nation on Earth…
…and he wants to rewrite it so that it gives HIM the power to remove anyone who threatens to remove HIM.
And why not? Now that the #SCotUS has decided the #Potus is above the law and impossible to #impeach, it only makes sense to nullify the #25A too.
@MugsysRapSheet well why not is because he doesn't have authority to do so.
A president does not have the authority to rewrite the Constitution.
No, SCOTUS didn't decide that the president is above the law, it went out of its way to say the exact opposite, demanding the continued prosecution of the former president.
I don't know who you're listening to, but they are misleading you. If you read the Supreme Court ruling yourself it debunks those claims.
@volkris @aaron.rupar
Quote it.