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What I know to be in the lightweight category are:

* #Akkoma (fork of Pleroma)
* #Rebased (fork of Pleroma)
* #Pleroma itself
* #GoToSocial

There are also the following in the middleweight category:

* #Calckey (fork of Misskey)
* #Foundkey (fork of Misskey)
* #Misskey itself
* #groundpolis (fork of Misskey)

You can find a great list here: For example, maybe a writing-centric platform might be more fitting (depending on what you have in mind).

I had been waiting for it, and a few weeks ago it finally happened: I saw high profile, mainstream conservatives have to try to reconcile their celebration of as having delivered vaccines through Operation Warp Speed against their denunciation of those same vaccines as scams upon the American people.

Those two parallel lines of thought couldn’t coexist forever. At some point they were bound to collide.

And I, for one, had spent about a year with my popcorn ready to watch.

Well, I didn’t quite get the fireworks I’d hoped for. The commentators sort of acknowledged the conflict and settled on criticizing Trump for it–I guess the denunciation is the more relevant factor today–before swiftly moving on.

I sure hope to see that conflict rise to the surface more often in the future.

volkris boosted

@volkris Yes I can confirm it, you get 85-90% of each $ paid to you (minus a paypal or credit card fee). So 250$ for 30 album purchases at an album price of 8 to 10$ is totally normal. Even the Spotify rate is correct. Youtube: If you upload a dj mix on youtube youtube will autodetect what tracks you have used in your mix & will pay the royalties to the rights holder of these song. But not everyone knows: YouTube streaming rate payouts are less than them from Spotify. Bandcamp is still the best!

I often think about how I do wish we had the word idiot to describe somebody who is uninformed or otherwise simply incapable of making good public policy decisions.

I’d like it to be not even a judgmental word. I think government should be a thing that works, so that most people don’t even have to think about it at all. Most people can go about their lives, reading books, seeking fulfillment, and just living without thinking about whatever’s happening in capitols. That’s the ideal.

So yeah, reclaim idiot! It doesn’t mean a dumb person, it just means a person who’s not up to date on politics and therefore doesn’t really have informed opinions!

Ah well, that’s not going to catch on.

volkris boosted

I think it's brave of PICARD to take the things that define STAR TREK, like the idea of crews of highly trained utopians using science and diplomacy to solve problems in a bright and shiny future, and just completely jettison all that to focus on people bickering in various underlit locations.

A thought into the void: and other clients need a filter option based on number of hashtags to avoid hashtag abuse.

I’m seeing posts with something like twenty irrelevant hashtags today from trolls.

volkris boosted

Last night the 11yo broke down the Google Slides middle school Chatroom for me:

1. At first they used a Google doc but the infinite scroll was too chaotic
2. In the slide deck each new slide is one “post”—some all text, some images, some both—
3. They use slides’ comments feature to “reply” to each other’s “posts”
4. This allows participants to easily flip between posts using the slide thumbnail navigation, so they can find the conversations they care about easily
5. He owns the file & if anyone spams it, deletes other people’s posts, or gets nasty, he can revert the file to its previous save state & remove the spammer’s access
6. He did share the file with me on purpose, I think because he was proud & wanted me to see what he’d made

Essentially they’ve created a chatroom with moderation in Google Slides, so they can get around the school’s ban on platforms like Discord. It’s kind of brilliant

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volkris boosted

@stux #socialdiscovery has suffered a bit although and requires the #extensive use of #hashtags to help spread the #word and have the same #reach.

This is possibly problematic because #hashtags aren't moderated at all, allowing other parties to infiltrate and overwhelm feeds by spamming irrelevant posts with a specific hashtag.

"That's the #freespeech," some would say. Well, others say it degrades the quality of your #timeline. Some would reply that you should just follow the people that you want and associate with #instances and #federations that you are interested in.

It is a difficult thing, and the idea of #groups as some has proposed might be a good idea. Because I myself don't see anything relevant in the #hashtags in the #mastodon app. Where an algorithm could help a bit, but then again, that information needs to be extracted from somewhere, again coming down to #privacy and #moderation.

I would like to see a page of hashtags people I follow are following.

I appreciate this humorous analysis of the legalities of shooting down balloons.

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One of my blog posts got cited in a book and now I have to carefully migrate my URLS every 6 years when my other garbage needs a new home.

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Elno has introduced a 4000 character limit for paid subscribers and the main reaction has been "Hell, no! Don't feed the trolls!" Most #Misskey and #Calckey instances, like, have a 3000 character limit as standard, and no trolls. 💁‍♀️ No more 1/X #Mastodon & #Twitter threads, and posts are conviently collapsed so it doesn't effect the scrolling experience on your timeline ♥️ #fediverse #feditips


Dean Preston  
Today the Board of Supervisors approved our ordinance to ban City leaders from requiring appointed commissioners to submit undated resignation lett...
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Journalists will never stick around this app long term sadly unless it adds quote posting. We desperately need it to communicate effectively, build on each others ideas, and add crucial context to posts. These are things replies simply do not accomplish. Also quote posting or reblogging does not = harassment! Tumblr, for instance, has had the feature since the beginning. We need it here now too 🙏🏻

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The best thing the Biden administration has done on infrastructure is waive Buy America provisions the president signed into law. Tonight, the president promised to enforce those regulations.

The topic of came up, and since I pulled up this quote, I’ll share it here.

There has been SO MUCH misinformation about what CU actually said, so I always encourage people to read it directly, especially since Kennedy writes with a certain artistry.

Here’s one quote that I always find to capture the essence of its reasoning, showing that it’s all based on individuals associating, not so much corporations:

“[The rich always have access] yet certain disfavored associations of citizens—those that have taken on the corporate [or union] form—are penalized for engaging in the same political speech.

“When Government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought. This is unlawful. The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves.”

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A deep dive into what happened with the Russiagate story is also an explanation of how major media outlets damaged the public's trust.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.