These are public posts tagged with #monopolism. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
List of #Essays and Page titles about #Meta Nightmares
Good for #Research and #Overview
by Free Fediverse @ophiocephalic
#Privacy #Technology
#Consent #Nonconsensual
#Surveillance #Capitalism
#Tracking #FreeFediverse
#Genocide Instigation
Privacy #Invasion #Censorship
#HumanTrafficking #Trafficking
#Collusion With #Dictators
Teen #Abuse & #ChildAbuse
#Transphobia and #Homophobia
#Labor Abuse
Algorithmic #Exploitation
#Ecological Destruction
Targeted #Advertising
#Academic #Corruption
#Digital #Colonialism
"Why would the CEO of Tesla want to end a program that makes it cheaper for people to buy #EVs?
"Well, according to Musk, it would devastate #Tesla's rivals. And Tesla wants to keep its strong lead in the US EV market, which recently slipped under 50% for the first time."
Why #Musk supports #Trump getting rid of #EVTaxCredits
#USpol #USpolitics #MAGA #SiliconValleyRight #TechBros #CronyCapitalism #monopolism #affairisme #tizamis
I forget the exact prompt, but it was something like how #capitalism fails.
In serving big company interests, copyright is in crisis #boingboing #adversarial_interoperability #antitrust #competition #eff #monopolism #trustbusting
Copyright rules are made with the needs of the entertainment…
feeds.boingboing.netFrontier, a terrible company, is going bankrupt #boingboing #Business #cable_company_fuckery #debt #good_riddance #late_stage_capitalism #mismanagement #monopolism #sic_semper_monopolist #telcoms #web_theory
Frontier is the bottom-rung of the top-tier of US ISPs,…
Boing BoingRating the 30 most evil tech companies #boingboing #apple #big_tech #Business #dont_be_evil #late_stage_capitalism #monopolism #tech #techlash
Slate compiled a list of the 30 most evil companies…
Boing BoingCharter/Spectrum sold customers expensive home security systems, then killed the program and left them high and dry #boingboing ##taxscam #adversarial_interoperability #ajit_fucking_pai #Business #cable_company_fuckery #charter #fcc #late_stage_capitalism #monopolism #spectrum #we_dont_have_to_care_were_the_NSA
Prior to being acquired by Charter, the cable company…
Boing BoingPermitting the growth of monopolies is a form of government censorship #boingboing #1a #big_tech #competition #content_moderation_at_scale_is_a_disaster #free_speech #monopolism #trustbusting
In my latest Locus column, Inaction is a Form of Action,…
Boing BoingVICTORY! New Free File rules ban tax-prep firms from hiding their offerings, allow IRS to compete with them (a love-letter to Propublica) #boingboing #free_file #fuck_you_grover_nordquist #hr_block #intuit #irs #Journalism #monopolism #propublica #turbotax
Six months ago, Propublica began beating the drum about…
Boing Boing2019: EFF enters the competition fray #boingboing #adversarial_interoperability #antitrust #competition #eff #monopolism #trustbusting
None of us signed up for an Internet composed of “a…
Boing BoingDistinguishing between "platforms" and "aggregators" in competition law #boingboing #antitrust #ben_thompson #competition #monopolism #regulation #stratechery #web_theory
There’s a lot of political will to regulate the Big…
Boing BoingDoJ to scrap the Paramount antitrust rule that prohibits movie studios from buying or strong-arming movie theaters #boingboing #AMC #antitrust #block_booking #consent_decrees #disney_plus #doj #monopolism #movies #the_curse_of_bigness
Through the 1940s and 1950s, the DoJ went to war on…
Boing BoingBeyond antitrust: the anti-monopoly movement and what it stands for #boingboing #anti_monopolism #antitrust #manifestors #monopolism #peak_indifference #pluralism #trustbusting #utah_statement
During a lunch break at the “New Future for Antitrust”…
Boing BoingBipartisan legislation would force Big Tech to allow interoperability with small competitors #boingboing #access_act #adversarial_interoperability #big_tech #competition #happy_mutants #interoperability #mandated_interoperability #monopolism
The Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by Enabling…
Boing BoingGoogle continues to funnel vast sums to notorious climate deniers #boingboing #american_enterprise_institute #americans_for_tax_reform #big_tech #Business #climate_criminals #climate_crisis #Competitive_Enterprise_Institute #corruption #crime #google #greenwashing #heartland_institute #heritage_action #heritage_foundation #koch_network #mercatus_institute #monopolism #state_policy_network #tax_evasion
Google and the other big tech companies are some of…
Boing BoingGlenlivet's marketing stunt: whiskey in lozenge form #boingboing #alcoholic_tide_pods #booze #late_stage_capitalism #monopolism
Glenlivet capsules are edible, seaweed-derived pods…
Boing BoingConsumer Reports documents the deceptive cable industry practices used to hike real prices 24% over advertised ones #boingboing #ajit_fucking_pai #cable_company_fuckery #comcast #consumers_union #fcc #monopolism #Ripoffs #true_fees_act
Your cable company advertises one price, but charges…
Boing BoingOne more take on WeWork. I liked the concept of “counterfeit capitalism”. #capitalism #monopolism
Wework, Uber, Lyft, Netflix, Bird, Amazon: late-stage capitalism is all about money-losing predatory pricing aimed at creating monopolies #boingboing #adam_neumann #bezzles #competition #counterfeit_capitalism #greshams_law #late_stage_capitalism #monopolism #WeWork
Wework is definitely a piece of work, a money-hemorrhaging…
Boing Boing