Will Berard 🫳🎤 🫶

Her: let's role-play
Me: 😏You little hussy...
Her: I'll be a phenomenologist
Me:... you little Husserl

#Husserl #Puns #phenomenology #philosophy

the roamer


Truly wonderful story about the successful extraction of Husserl's archive out of Nazi Germany --- I feel I should have known this story, but I didn't, and I am glad I now do. The piece has important more general reflections on the role of archives, too. Great reading.

#Husserl #archives

Spektrum (inoffiziell)

Richard David Precht befasst sich im vierten Band seiner Geschichte der Philosophie mit der Moderne. Das Werk hat seine Vorzüge, liefert aber kaum neue Erkenntnisse. Eine Rezension

Richard David Precht widmet sich einer der komplexesten Epochen der Geistesgeschichte. Sein Buch wird der Moderne nur bedingt gerecht. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Mache die Welt von Richard David Precht)#Moderne #Philosophie #Precht #Geschichte #Sprachphilosophie #Wittgenstein #Strömung #Paradigma #linguisticturn #Husserl #Heidegger #Whitehead #Bloch #Benjamin #Hartmann #Soziologie #Freud #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Mache die Welt«: Nächster Halt: Moderne

»Mache die Welt«: Nächster Halt: Moderne

Richard David Precht widmet sich einer der komplexesten…


🤸Gute Nachrichten

❗Die neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "#Gestalttherapie - Forum für Gestaltperspektiven" ist raus.

☀️Nicht nur mit mir als Redaktionsmitglied, sondern auch mit einem fundierten Artikel von Beate und mir über Wahrnehmung.


#Phänomenologie, #Intentionalität, #Dialog, Schöpferische #Indifferenz, Edmund #Husserl, Martin #Buber, Salomo #Friedlaender, transzendental, #Epoché, #Reduktion, #Gewandtsein


From the “#Ideen” onward, Husserl concentrated on the ideal, essential structures of #consciousness. The metaphysical problem of establishing the #material reality of what we perceive was of little interest to Husserl in spite of his being a #transcendental #idealist. Husserl proposed that the world of objects and ways in which we direct ourselves toward and perceive those objects is normally conceived of in what he called the “natural standpoint”, which is characterized by a belief that objects materially exist and exhibit properties that we see as emanating from them. Husserl proposed a radical new #phenomenological way of looking at objects by examining how we, in our many ways of being #intentionally directed toward them, actually “#constitute” them (to be distinguished from materially creating objects or objects merely being figments of the imagination); in the Phenomenological standpoint, the object ceases to be something simply “external” and ceases to be seen as providing indicators about what it is, and becomes a grouping of perceptual and functional aspects that imply one another under the idea of a particular object or “type”. The notion of objects as real is not expelled by #phenomenology, but “#bracketed” as a way in which we regard objects instead of a feature that inheres in an object’s essence founded in the relation between the object and the perceiver. In order to better understand the world of appearances and objects, phenomenology attempts to identify the invariant features of how objects are perceived and pushes attributions of reality into their role as an attribution about the things we perceive (or an assumption underlying how we perceive objects).

[Edmund #Husserl - Wikipedia](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_H)

Edmund Husserl - Wikipedia


One would have to distinguish between the act of #consciousness and the #phenomena at which it is directed (the objects as intended). Knowledge of essences would only be possible by “#bracketing” all assumptions about the existence of an external world. This procedure #Husserl called “#epoché”.


Written and Said

#Foucault on #Husserl, after a short history of the conflicts between realism and idealism:

"... a sphere of ideality that we have discovered in a presence as immediate, as radical as the sphere of perceptual and concrete experience" (Phénoménologie et psychologie)


“People ‘have an effect upon’ one another: Not by virtue of their nature, but rather by virtue of #motivations brought forth through #mutual #understanding.”

— Edmund #Husserl, Basic Problems of Phenomenology, p. 172


All of modern #philosophy springs from of #Descartes#Meditations. Let us transform this historical proposition into a substantive one: Every genuine beginning of philosophy springs from meditation, from the experience of solitary self-reflection. When it is rooted in its origins, an #autonomous philosophy (and we live in the age when humanity has awakened to its autonomy) becomes the #solitary and #radical #self-responsibility of the one who is philosophizing. Only in solitude and meditation does one become a philosopher; only in this way is philosophy born in us, emerging of necessity from within us. What others and the #tradition accept as knowledge and scientific foundations is what I, as an autonomous ego, must pursue to its ultimate grounding, and I must do so exclusively in terms of my own sense of its #evidentness. This ultimate grounding must be immediately and apodictically evident. Only in this way can I be absolutely #responsible; only thus can I #justify matters absolutely. Therefore I must let no previous judgment, no matter how indisputable it may seem to be, go unquestioned and ungrounded.



"The #spirit and in fact only the spirit is a being in itself and for itself; it is #autonomous and is capable of being handled in a genuinely #rational, genuinely and thoroughly #scientific way only in this autonomy."

— Edmund #Husserl, Philosophy and the Crisis of European Man

Marcio LM

The Husserlian Mind (routledge.com/The-Husserlian-M ), edited by Hanne Jacobs, is an outstanding reference source to the full range of #Husserl's #philosophy. Forty chapters by a team of international contributors are divided into seven clear parts covering the following areas:

- major works
- phenomenological method
- #phenomenology of consciousness
- #epistemology
- #ethics and social and political philosophy
- philosophy of #science
- #metaphysics #filosofia

The Husserlian Mind

Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) is widely regarded as the…

Marcio LM

Husserl and community.

The focus of the present issue is on Husserl’s contribution to the field of social ontology. For many years, #Husserl has been regarded as a methodological solipsist with little to say on #intersubjectivity. Over the past thirty years, this interpretation has been solidly rejected by the majority of Husserl scholars. Within the last ten years, however, there has also been a growing appreciation of the fact that Husserl didn’t just investigate empathy and dyadic forms of social relations, but—like many of his contemporaries—also wrote extensively on the nature of community, i.e., on large scale social formations and groups (...)

Szanto, T., Meindl, P. & Zahavi, D. Introduction: Husserl and community. Cont Philos Rev (2023). doi.org/10.1007/s11007-023-096

#fenomenologia #phenomenology #phenomenologie

HPLA Journal

New article in advance access:

Christopher Erhard, "Husserls Irreversibilitätsargument gegen den Materialismus"

In this paper I offer a reconstruction of one of Husserl’s various anti-materialist arguments. #Husserl hints at this argument in Ideas II & III where he exposes essential differences between mental and material reality (Realität). At its core, Husserl claims that mental entities by their very essence can never be in the same qualitative condition at different times. By sharp contrast, for purely material or physical entities such a cyclical development is not essentially excluded. Accordingly, I will speak of Husserl’s argument from irreversibility. I argue that this argument is modal in nature, and that it can be used to make a case against materialism based on the necessary supervenience of the mental on the physical. My primary goal is to elucidate this argument, and to offer a logical reconstruction using basic modal logic and contemporary notions of supervenience. I conclude that Husserl’s argument is formally valid, and that it can even held to be sound, although the premise regarding the necessary irreversibility of the mental requires further clarification.



Husserls Irreversibilitätsargument gegen den Materialismus

Abstract In this paper I offer a reconstruction of…


I was asked about this many times when I was leading the workshops. At that time, I only answered from the perspective of respecting and understanding human initiative and seeing children as independent beings. Even though I went through Wittgenstein's books and materials later on.

I have read almost all of Gianni Rodari's works and I have been thinking about the 'meaning of children's language' and so on, but what I had in mind before was the openness of children's associations with 'sounds' in a phonetic culture.

I have observed and documented many of my daughter's whims in order to explore this topic.

I have only scratched the surface. The real reason is that phenomenology and analytic philosophy (philosophical anthropology) have deeply influenced twentieth century education, especially the education of children.

I used to say that I was using anthropological methods to study the child's development, but later I turned to the integration of neuroscience and sociology, and when I came back to anthropology and philosophy, I was really enlightened, even overwhelmed.

So here comes the new starts: phenomenology + analytical philosophy + psychology + neuroscience → child development

This is a really huge and fascinating area of study.


#learningawareness #childrendevelopment

#Wittgenstein #Husserl


When I first started studying child development many years ago, and especially when I started reading Reggio Emilia's education approach, I struggled with two words that appeared frequently in the book: characterisation and interpretation. Whether I understood them myself or when I spoke to others. I never really felt close to them.

Until this year, I inadvertently began to study cognitive and analytical philosophy. Again, I encountered these two words frequently.

I was reminded of the context of the Reggio education and the history of humanities in Europe in the 20th century. It became clear to me.

When I first started studying child development many years ago, and especially when I started reading Reggio Emilia's education approach, I struggled with two words that appeared frequently in the book: characterisation and interpretation. Whether I understood them myself or when I spoke to others. I never really felt close to them.

Until this year, I inadvertently began to study cognitive and analytical philosophy. Again, I encountered these two words frequently.

I was reminded of the context of the Reggio education and the history of humanities in Europe in the 20th century. It became clear to me.

There is a story in "In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia" that has puzzled many people: when Wittgenstein was talking to a little girl, she said to Wittgenstein: "I hope...". The words caused him to think deeply about what it meant when a person first initiated the idea of "hope".
#learningawareness #childrendevelopment

#Wittgenstein #Husserl


#Husserl was concerned to show that empirical #psychology is a failed science since it fundamentally misunderstands the true nature of subjectivity, due to its acceptance of the fundamental split between objectivity and subjectivity brought about by modern science and #Descartes.

Although writing in the 1930s when psychology was still rude and rough, that misunderstanding has remained at the core of empirical behavioural psychology to this day.


It has been a while since I spent a year of my life with Husserl‘s “Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An Introduction (The Crisis). Husserl, the leader of modern Phenomenology, had a

mission to defend the very relevance of philosophy itself in an era defined both by astonishing scientific and technological progress and by political barbarism.

In these days of technological wonders, barbarism is again acceptable for politicians. I have thought to return to the Crisis and not a few notes for the Metaverse.

#Husserl #philosohy #phenomenology #Crisis