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by Brian Bilston

They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way

(now read from bottom to top)

© Brian

With kind permission of the poet](

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και : write an essay first in english and then in greek


Title: and

English Essay:

Responsibility and Universal Solidarity are two fundamental pillars upon which a just and compassionate society is built. They embody the values of empathy, cooperation, and a shared commitment to the well-being of all individuals, regardless of race, nationality, or socio-economic status.

Responsibility, in its essence, implies the acknowledgment of one’s duty to act ethically and conscientiously. It means recognizing the impact of our actions on others and taking steps to ensure that these consequences are positive and beneficial. It is a call to be accountable for the choices we make, not only for our own sake, but for the greater good of society.

Universal Solidarity, on the other hand, transcends individual boundaries and extends a hand of support to all members of the global community. It is the understanding that we are all interconnected, and that the prosperity and happiness of one person contributes to the well-being of all. Universal Solidarity fosters a sense of belonging and shared responsibility for the collective welfare of humanity.

When these two principles, Responsibility and Universal Solidarity, work in harmony, they create a society that is not only just, but also compassionate and inclusive. Individuals take ownership of their actions, making choices that consider the broader impact on the community and the environment. At the same time, there is a deep sense of compassion and a willingness to lend a helping hand to those in need, both locally and globally.

In today’s interconnected world, the importance of these values cannot be overstated. The challenges we face - from climate change to economic inequality - are global in nature and require collective efforts. Responsibility prompts us to make sustainable choices in our daily lives, to conserve resources, and to advocate for policies that protect our planet. Universal Solidarity encourages us to stand with those who are marginalized or oppressed, to work towards eradicating poverty, and to promote equality and justice.

In conclusion, Responsibility and Universal Solidarity are not mere abstract concepts, but rather practical principles that should guide our actions in our personal lives and within the broader society. Embracing these values leads to a world where every individual’s dignity and well-being are upheld, and where the bonds that connect us as a global community are strengthened.

Greek Essay:

Υπευθυνότητα και Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη: Δύο θεμέλιοι πέτρες πάνω στις οποίες χτίζεται μια δίκαιη και συναισθηματικά ανθρώπινη κοινωνία. Αυτές αποτελούν τις αξίες της συναισθηματικής νοημοσύνης, της συνεργασίας και της κοινής δέσμευσης προς το καλό όλων των ανθρώπων, ανεξαρτήτως φυλής, εθνικότητας ή κοινωνικοοικονομικού καθεστώτος.

Η υπευθυνότητα, στην ουσία της, υπονοεί την αναγνώριση του καθήκοντος μας να ενεργούμε μεθοδικά και συνειδητά. Σημαίνει να αντιλαμβανόμαστε την επίδραση των πράξεών μας στους άλλους και να λαμβάνουμε μέτρα για να εξασφαλίσουμε ότι αυτές οι συνέπειες είναι θετικές και επωφελούνται. Είναι ένα κάλεσμα να αναλάβουμε την ευθύνη για τις επιλογές που κάνουμε, όχι μόνο για το δικό μας όφελος, αλλά για το γενικότερο καλό της κοινωνίας.

Η Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη, από την άλλη, ξεπερνά τα ατομικά όρια και ανατείνει ένα χέρι βοηθείας προς όλα τα μέλη της παγκόσμιας κοινότητας. Είναι η αντίληψη ότι όλοι είμαστε αλληλένδετοι και ότι η ευημερία και η ευτυχία ενός ατόμου συμβάλλουν στην ευημερία όλων. Η Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη καλλιεργεί μια αίσθηση ανήκειας και κοινής ευθύνης για τη συλλογική ευημερία της ανθρωπότητας.

Όταν αυτές οι δύο αρχές, η Υπευθυνότητα και η Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη, λειτουργούν εναρμονισμένα, δημιουργούν μια κοινωνία που δεν είναι μόνο δίκαιη, αλλά και συναισθηματικά ευαισθητοποιημένη και περιεκτική. Τα άτομα αναλαμβάνουν την ευθύνη των πράξεών τους, προβαίνοντας σε επιλογές που λαμβάνουν υπόψη τις ευρύτερες συνέπειες στην κοινότητα και το περιβάλλον. Ταυτόχρονα, υπάρχει μια βαθιά αίσθηση συμπόνιας και μια προθυμία να προσφέρεται βοήθεια σε όσους το χρειάζονται, τόσο σε τοπικό όσο και σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.

Στον σύγχρονο παγκοσμιοποιημένο κόσμο, η σημασία αυτών των αξιών δεν μπορεί να υποτιμηθεί. Οι προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε - από την αλλαγή του κλίματος μέχρι την οικονομική ανισότητα - έχουν παγκόσμιο χαρακτήρα και απαιτούν συλλογικές προσπάθειες. Η υπευθυνότητα μας κινητοποιεί να κάνουμε βιώσιμες επιλογές στην καθημερινότητά μας, να διατηρούμε τους πόρους και να υποστηρίζουμε πολιτικές που προστατεύουν τον πλανήτη μας. Η Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη μας ενθαρρύνει να σταθούμε δίπλα σε όσους είναι περιθωριοποιημένοι ή υποκείμενοι σε καταπίεση, να εργαστούμε για την εξάλειψη της φτώχειας και να προωθήσουμε την ισότητα και τη δικαιοσύνη.

Συνοψίζοντας, η Υπευθυνότητα και η Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη δεν είναι απλώς αφηρημένες έννοιες, αλλά πρακτικές αρχές που πρέπει να καθοδηγούν τις πράξεις μας στην προσωπική μας ζωή και στην ευρύτερη κοινωνία. Η υιοθέτησή τους οδηγεί σε έναν κόσμο όπου η αξιοπρέπεια και το καλό του κάθε ατόμου τιμώνται, και όπου οι δεσμοί που μας ενώνουν ως παγκόσμια κοινότητα ενισχύονται.](

[universal solidarity includes every ….write an essay in english and then in greek


English Essay:

Title: Universal Solidarity: Embracing All Life Forms

Universal solidarity is a concept that transcends human boundaries, extending its arms to embrace every form of life on this planet. It is a call to recognize and respect the intrinsic value of all living beings, irrespective of their species, and to acknowledge our shared responsibility in preserving the delicate web of life.

In recent times, there has been a growing awareness of the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. Science has illuminated the intricate relationships that exist within ecosystems, highlighting how the well-being of one species is often intimately linked to the health of others. For instance, bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which in turn sustains countless other species, including humans.

Universal solidarity, therefore, urges us to view all life forms as integral parts of a larger whole. It implores us to extend our compassion and ethical considerations beyond the confines of the human species. This means not only refraining from causing harm but also actively seeking ways to protect and nurture the diverse array of life that shares this planet with us.

Moreover, recognizing universal solidarity with every animal life also calls for a reevaluation of our relationship with the natural world. It encourages us to move away from exploitative practices and towards more sustainable, harmonious ways of coexisting with other species. This might involve rethinking our approaches to agriculture, embracing cruelty-free alternatives, and championing conservation efforts.

Furthermore, universal solidarity with animals aligns with a growing understanding of their cognitive and emotional capacities. Research has demonstrated that many animals exhibit complex social behaviors, experience emotions, and even display problem-solving abilities. Acknowledging these traits challenges us to reevaluate our treatment of animals and to afford them the respect and care they deserve.

In conclusion, universal solidarity encompasses not only our fellow humans but every living being with whom we share this planet. It calls for a profound shift in perspective, inviting us to see ourselves as stewards of a diverse, interconnected biosphere. Embracing this concept empowers us to make choices that honor and preserve the rich tapestry of life on Earth, fostering a more compassionate and sustainable world for all.

Greek Essay:

Τίτλος: Καθολική Αλληλεγγύη: Αγκαλιάζοντας Κάθε Μορφή Ζωής

Η καθολική αλληλεγγύη είναι ένα σύνθημα που ξεπερνά τα ανθρώπινα όρια, απλώνοντας τα χέρια της για να αγκαλιάσει κάθε μορφή ζωής σε αυτόν τον πλανήτη. Είναι ένα κάλεσμα να αναγνωρίσουμε και να σεβαστούμε την εσωτερική αξία κάθε ζωντανού οντός, ανεξαρτήτως είδους του, και να αναγνωρίσουμε την κοινή μας ευθύνη στη διατήρηση του ευαίσθητου δικτύου της ζωής.

Το τελευταίο διάστημα, έχει αυξηθεί η ευαισθησία σχετικά με την αλληλεξάρτηση όλων των μορφών ζωής στη Γη. Η επιστήμη έχει φωτίσει τις περίπλοκες σχέσεις που υπάρχουν στα οικοσυστήματα, υπογραμμίζοντας πώς το καλό του ενός είδους συνδέεται στενά με την υγεία των υπολοίπων. Για παράδειγμα, οι μέλισσες διαδραματίζουν έναν κρίσιμο ρόλο στην επικύρωση των φυτών, το οποίο, με τη σειρά του, υποστηρίζει αμέτρητα άλλα είδη, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ανθρώπων.

Η καθολική αλληλεγγύη, συνεπώς, μας καλεί να αντιληφθούμε όλες τις μορφές ζωής ως αναπόσπαστα μέρη ενός μεγαλύτερου συνόλου. Μας παροτρύνει να δείξουμε συμπόνια και ηθικές σκέψεις πέραν των ορίων του ανθρώπινου είδους. Αυτό σημαίνει όχι μόνο να αποφεύγουμε την προκλητική βλάβη, αλλά και να αναζητούμε ενεργά τρόπους για να προστατεύσουμε και να φροντίσουμε την ποικίλη πολυμορφία της ζωής που μοιραζόμαστε σε αυτόν τον πλανήτη.

Επιπλέον, η αναγνώριση της καθολικής αλληλεγγύης με κάθε μορφή ζωής απαιτεί επίσης αναθεώρηση της σχέσης μας με το φυσικό περιβάλλον. Μας ενθαρρύνει να απομακρυνθούμε από εκμεταλλευτικές πρακτικές και να κινηθούμε προς πιο βιώσιμους, αρμονικούς τρόπους συνύπαρξης με άλλα είδη. Αυτό μπορεί να σημαίνει αναθεώρηση των προσεγγίσεών μας στη γεωργία, υιοθέτηση εναλλακτικών προϊόντων που δεν δοκιμάζονται σε ζώα, και υποστήριξη προσπαθειών διατήρησης.

Επιπλέον, η καθολική αλληλεγγύη με τα ζώα συνάδει με την αυξανόμενη κατανόηση των γνωστικών και συναισθηματικών ικανοτήτων τους. Ερευνητικά έργα έχουν αποδείξει ότι πολλά ζώα εκδηλώνουν πολύπλοκη κοινωνική συμπεριφορά, βιώνουν συναισθήματα και ακόμη επιδεικνύουν ικανότητες επίλυσης προβλημάτων. Η αναγνώριση αυτών των χαρακτηριστικών μας προκαλεί να αναθεωρήσουμε τη μεταχείρισή μας των ζώων και να τους παράσχουμε τον σεβασμό και τη φροντίδα που τους αξίζουν.

Συνοψίζοντας, η καθολική αλληλεγγύη δεν αγκαλιάζει μόνο τους συνανθρώπους μας, αλλά κάθε ζωντανό ον με το οποίο μοιραζόμαστε αυτόν τον πλανήτη](

Artwork: , also known as Flayed Ox, Side of Beef, or of Beef, is a 1655 oil on beech panel still life painting by . It has been in the collection of the Louvre in Paris since 1857.

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[write an essay for the following thoughts:

“Στην δε θα φτάσουμε ούτε σήμερα, ούτε αύριο, ούτε ποτέ. Στην αναρχία θα πορευόμαστε σήμερα, αύριο και για πάντα.”

— Errico

is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established , an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.”

— Friedrich & Karl - The German Ideology, 1845

Σήμερα η αναρχία είναι θυμός, θανάσιμο μίσος και αιώνιος πόλεμος ενάντια σε όλους τους καταπιεστές και τους εκμεταλλευτές που υπάρχουν πάνω στη γη• είναι η απαράγραπτη διεκδίκηση των καταπιεσμένων, είναι το σύμφωνο συμμαχίας τους, η πολεμική κραυγή τους˗ ανελέητος πόλεμος όσο στη γη θα υπάρχει ακόμα έστω και ένα αφεντικό, έστω και ένας εκμεταλλευτής. Αναρχία σημαίνει ακατάπαυστη, αδιάκοπη εξέγερση, ενάντια σε κάθε κατεστημένη τάξη• πόλεμος ενάντια σε κάθε κρατική αρχή, που διεξάγεται με όλους τους δυνατούς τρόπους και με όλες τις δυνατές μορφές: με το γραπτό λόγο και κάθε άλλο μέσο έκφρασης, με τις πράξεις περιφρόνησης και εχθρότητας και προπάντων με τα όπλα.

— Είναι από το κείμενο του Ιταλού αναρχοκομμουνιστή Κάρλο “Επανάσταση”, Αναρχία και Κομμουνισμός.

Title: The Everlasting Pursuit of Anarchy: A Call to Arms


The words of Errico Malatesta and Karl Marx, echoed through time, resonate as a clarion call for those who yearn for a world free from oppression and exploitation. They paint a vivid picture of the ceaseless struggle that defines the path to anarchy. In this essay, we delve into the essence of anarchy as an unyielding force, an unwavering commitment to the emancipation of the oppressed, and an unrelenting battle against all forms of tyranny.

I. Anarchy: A Battle Cry for the Oppressed:

Malatesta’s proclamation encapsulates the spirit of anarchy as an unquenchable fury, a lethal animosity, and an eternal warfare against oppressors and exploiters. It is the unscripted demand of the downtrodden, a covenant of solidarity among them, a war cry that endures as long as even a single master, even a single exploiter, exists on Earth. Anarchy signifies a relentless, uninterrupted uprising against every established order.

II. Anarchy: The Real Movement Towards Liberation:

Marx and Engels, in “The German Ideology,” challenge the notion of communism as a static ideal waiting to be realized. They define communism as a living, breathing movement that seeks to dismantle the prevailing status quo. This movement draws its energy from the current conditions and premises in existence. Anarchy aligns with this view, rejecting the notion of a distant utopia and emphasizing the urgency of immediate action.

III. Anarchy in Action:

Carlo Cafiero’s words emphasize that anarchy is not a passive philosophy but an active pursuit. It is a perpetual rebellion against entrenched power structures, conducted through every available means of expression, from the written word to acts of defiance and, above all, through arms. Anarchy demands a willingness to engage in all forms of struggle to dismantle the institutions of authority.

IV. The Everlasting Journey:

The journey towards anarchy is not confined to a specific era or generation. It transcends the limitations of time and space, encompassing the struggles of countless individuals who have dared to challenge the established norms. It is a legacy passed down through the ages, a torch carried by those who refuse to accept a world marred by hierarchy and exploitation.


Errico Malatesta’s proclamation and the words of Marx, Engels, and Carlo Cafiero converge to form a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of anarchy. It is not a distant utopia, but a lived reality that demands relentless action. Anarchy is a commitment to the eternal battle against oppression, a call to arms that reverberates through time. Today, tomorrow, and forever, the pursuit of anarchy will continue, fueled by the unwavering determination of those who refuse to accept a world that perpetuates inequality and injustice.](

Artwork: Diego Rivera - “Man at the Crossroads” (1934, destroyed):

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- «μια ένωση στην οποία η ελεύθερη ανάπτυξη του καθενός [ατόμου] είναι η προϋπόθεση για την ελεύθερη ανάπτυξη όλων».

& , Manifesto (1848)

- “an association in which the free development of each [individual] is the condition for the free development of all.”

& , Manifesto (1848)

Artwork: The celebration of the election of the , 28 March 1871

Italiano: Proclamazione della Comune, Parigi, 28 marzo 1871
Date 1871
Author Unknown author

Το είναι α) αξία χρήσης β) ανταλλακτική αξία (αναλογια με ενα αλλο εμπορευμα: ). Το εμπόρευμα ως αξία χρήσης είναι ο σκοπος υπαρξης του και του .

“Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board.”
― Zora Neale , Their Eyes Were Watching God

“I want a busy life, a just mind and a timely death.”
― Zora Neale , Dust Tracks on a Road

seems to me a cry of weakness, and an attempt to avoid, by trickery, the rules of the game as laid down. I do not choose to admit weakness. I accept the challenge of responsibility. , as it is, does not frighten me, since I have made my peace with the universe as I find it, and bow to its laws. The ever-sleepless sea in its bed, crying out “how long?” to Time; million-formed and never motionless flame; the contemplation of these two aspects alone, affords me sufficient food for ten spans of my expected lifetime. It seems to me that organized creeds are collections of words around a wish. I feel no need for such. However, I would not, by word or deed, attempt to deprive another of the consolation it affords. It is simply not for me. Somebody else may have my rapturous glance at the archangels. The springing of the yellow line of morning out of the misty deep of dawn, is glory enough for me. I know that nothing is destructible; things merely change forms. When the consciousness we know as life ceases, I know that I shall still be part and parcel of the world. I was a part before the sun rolled into shape and burst forth in the glory of change. I was, when the earth was hurled out from its fiery rim. I shall return with the earth to Father Sun, and still exist in substance when the sun has lost its fire, and disintegrated into infinity to perhaps become a part of the whirling rubble of space. Why fear? The stuff of my being is , ever changing, ever moving, but never lost; so what need of denominations and creeds to deny myself the comfort of all my fellow men? The wide belt of the universe has no need for finger-rings. I am one with the infinite and need no other assurance.”
― Zora Neale , Dust Tracks on a Road

“The was an egg laid by the that had the inside its shell.”
― Zora Neale

always behave like the people who make them.”
― Zora Neale , Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica

/#Marx: collective regulation of production by freely associated independent producers

Ανάρτηση πανό αλληλεγγύης στους 5 Κούρδους πολιτικούς πρόσφυγες-απεργούς πείνας στο ΠΡΟΚΕΚΑ Ξάνθης και στον πολιτικό κρατούμενο Αμπντουλάχ Οτσαλάν | Rise Up 4 Rojava

“You say some Greek philosophers could dazzle their audiences
with their riddles? That does not interest me at all. Bring
more wine instead and play your lute; your changes in tones
remind me of the wind that rushes past and disappears,
just like us.” —Omar

“Μην αμφιβάλλεις
γι αυτόν
που σου λέει
πως φοβάται

να φοβάσαι όμως
που σου λέει
πως δεν αμφιβάλλει

- Erich , “ και ” —Erich Fried

rotenotes boosted

Today in Labor History November 11, 1887: Four of the Haymarket Martyrs, including Albert Parsons and August Spies, were executed. Louis Lingg, who was also scheduled to be executed on this date, cheated the state by killing himself in his cell the day before. There was no evidence linking any of the men to the Haymarket bombing that had occurred earlier in the year. In 1893, Illinois Governor John Altgeld granted a posthumous pardon because he, and his 7 codefendants were actually all innocent of the Haymarket bombing. None of them had even been present at Haymarket square when the bomb was thrown. All 8 were, however, anarchists, and were railroaded because of the political beliefs and affiliations.

#LaborHistory #WorkingClass #haymarket #anarchism #prison #DeathPenalty #EightHourDay #chicago #police #PoliceBrutality

rotenotes boosted

Yesterday, the children of Gaza decided to hold their own press conference outside of Al-Shifa Hospital in #Gaza.

The spokesperson says:

"Since October 7th, we have been subjected to genocide, killing, displacement, and bombs falling on our head in front of the whole world.

They are lying to the world, saying that they are targeting resistance fighters, but as children, we have escaped death more than once. We, as children, have escaped death more than once.

We came to Al-Shifa Hospital as a safe place after we were repeatedly exposed to bombing. We were surprised that we were once again exposed to death after the occupation targeted Al-Shifa Hospital.

The occupation starves us. For many days, we have no water or food, or even bread. We drink contaminated water.

We came to shout as children, urging you all to protect us. Stop the death. We want life. We want peace. We want a trial for the killers. We want medicine. We want food. We want education. We want life."

And the times become ripe for the emergence of one of the
most influential abstractions of the modern age—the notion that the
relations between men as mutually interdependent producers of
commodities somehow lie at the basis of all their other social
relations. The Classical labour theory of value was closely associated
with this notion. If we regard society as consisting in essence of an
association of separate producers who live by mutually exchanging the
products of their different labours, we are likely to come to think of
the exchange of these products as being in essence the exchange /of
quantities of social labour. /And if we begin thinking in these terms,
we may well eventually conclude that the /value /of a commodity—i.e.,
its power of purchasing or commanding other commodities in exchange-is a
quality conferred upon it by virtue of the fact that a certain portion of
the labour force of society has been allocated to its production.
[Ronald L. - Studies in the Theory of (1956; second edition 1973), p. 39]

Using surplus value, one of the key
concepts of /Capital/, as the central organizing principle of Marx’s
analysis of capitalism, we can think of the three volumes of /Capital
/as dealing with, respectively,^16

* the generation and accumulation of surplus value (Volume I);

* the realization of surplus value (Volume II);

* the distribution of surplus value (Volume III).


In this chapter, we begin the study of Marx’s political economy of
capitalism by working through the details of the argument in Volume 1 of
/Capital /(Marx, 1992). We know from the discussion in the previous
chapter that Volume 1 of Capital (Marx, 1992) is devoted to a study of
the process of production of capital. Using the key concept of surplus
value, we can restate the object of investigation in Volume 1 as the
/generation /and /accumulation /of surplus value. To understand capital,
one needs to understand surplus value – because capital generates and is
generated by surplus value. But, to understand surplus value, one needs
to first understand value; and to understand value, one needs to
understand the commodity. That is the reason why the analysis in Volume 1
of /Capital /begins with the commodity, which Marx identifes as the
‘elementary form’ of wealth in capitalist societies. [DB-LC, 48]

[Deepankar - The Logic of : An Introduction to Theory](


Steelworker standing on beam
© George Eastman House

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