Steve Zakulec

Wow- @kevinriggle did a paper researching economical ways to dispose of #ssds by #shredding to 2mm, and came up with a list of suitable models.
#infosec #datadeletion #shredder

Tony Wells

I've just shredded a bank card after getting a replacement for an expired one. Unfortunately, the shredded one is for a different bank. The designs are very similar, but it's more due to me being an idiot.

#Banking #Shredding


#NowPlaying #GuyMannDude #BigHair #GlamMetal #Shredding

The 2nd-tier OTT gtr shredder I most-associate with all that hairspray wafting about on Hollywood Blvd in the late 80s? That'd be Guy Mann-Dude


I literally feel sick to my stomach at the thought that #trump is going to get away with criming and bragging about it!
#scotus #shredding the #constitution in front of millions of #eyeballs

Paying taxes for a democracy and #clarencethomascorruption that's going to end it?
#minorityrule #corpirates #corporatism #corporatedictatorship

Dominik Janiec

@muzykametalowa Berried Alive: Masterpeach

co myślicie o takim *szredingu*? lubicie tego rodzaju kawałki? czy może za bardzo "wali skrileksem" czy innym tekno? ja od kilku dni w sumie słucham w zapętleniu wersji bez słów:

#shredding #BerriedAlive

Your Autistic Life FR/EN/ES

I've been reorganizing the file drawer. In this process, I've shredded some old stuff. I've shredded the documentation on the truck that I sold, the documentation on the UTV that I sold, my immigration papers, except for the immigration certificate itself.

"What if..."

I'm much less worried about what-ifs than I used to be.

I thought I might need a second file cabinet, but for now I can avoid buying another one.

#shredding #FileCabinet #WhatIf

chef 😎

Cool. My Hagstrom Ultra Swede does a similar thing.

The full humbucker sound is warm, heavy and bluesy. When you split them you get quite a bit of that Fender Strat twang. 🤘🎸🤩

#hagstrom #twang #shredding


@compost congratulations.

I have successfully #composted #PineNeedles after several years of trials I found that #shredding the needles was the key.

月の兎 :moonrabbit:🌕:triple_elite:

Track: DeadMan Walk
Release: Metallical Animism



It's $1 a pound for #shredding at my local mailbox store. Might sit out in the garden with a shredder instead give I'm up to around 30 pounds of old bank statements.