The first and only two people I ever needed to block in the fediverse (personal block) just came from spinster.

The reputation of that instance with me is going downhill fast.

@alex @freemo There are a few who are pushing the line, for sure. The way I like to put it is that you can say whatever you want but the way you say it is *very* important.

It's not what you say, it's how you say it. :) I'll let Freemo get to you, though. He's got experience in this regard.


@Surasanji @alex @freemo I would admit there are some very strong opinions coming from those I have spoken to. But I haven't really found anyone to be specifically out of line. But I am not on all that often, and apparently they haven't been able to see my eloquent responses. I guess I just assumed my linguistic skills were so sharp that I simply convinced people to my way of thinking without any need for further response. :)

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@Absinthe @Surasanji @alex

@alex Dont worry qoto as an instance wont ban unless a user does not respect a request from our own users to disengage.

The blocks were personal and specifically because once a user was rude and i asked to not be tagged they told me they refused and tagged me some 30 times after. That is literally the only time I would issue a ban. Since it was only the one user and because I made no report it will not however result in an instance silence or ban, you are good.

But please let it be known to your users that if you either avoid ban or continue to engage someone after they explicitly asked to be removed from a conversation, if that becomes a repeated pattern it **will** result in an instance ban (it is pretty much our only rule, no silence/ban evasion, respect a persons right to disengage)

Also as @Surasanji there are a lot of people who do not engage respectfully. While this wouldnt be welcome on QOTO and I do find it disrespectful (and may result in personal bans moving forward) we as an instance dont silence other instances very frivolously. While I find it distasteful as long as your users know to disengage when asked and not avoid bans then for now things should be fine.

IF me or the other mods have issues beyond this we will approach you (we always talk to other mods first before acting). We are a democracy of mods so what I presented here is my view and generally how we moderated in the past, but I cant speak for the whole mod group either.


I just sent the report as you asked. It was against @Mrkhvoice

Let me know if you have any questions.

For your reference here is a direct link to the post where once asked to no longer tag me they explicitly stated they would not and went on to tag me in some 20 more responses in defiance:

@Absinthe @Surasanji


Nice try but look **very** carefully at the thread after I asked you to untag me. Despite the fact that you didnt give me the basic level of respect to untag me as i asked, and despite the fact that you did **not** ask to be untagged, I did make it a point to untag you in every post that followed.

The only exception has been this post and my reply to alex due to the need to identify you at his request and so I can respond to this request.

I will not speak with you further however at this point.

@alex @Absinthe @Surasanji


You were blocked after your first message where you refused to be respectful (the one I linked).

As the admin of an instance I did however unblock you after 24 hours as I usually do since I need to monitor users to see if they need to be blocked from federation as a whole or other moderator business. Once unblocked I quickly saw the slew of continued messages.

This is the end result of that.

The fact that the best excuse you have is some accusation that I claimed to block you but didnt really I think demonstrates just how weak (and desperate) your counter argument is.

You literally have no high ground here to claim, none.

But I will not debate this endlessly with you either. I will await to see what Alex decides before I decide what my next action/steps might be as a moderator.

@alex @Absinthe @Surasanji


I am under no requirement to engage you. Doesnt matter what you said if someone asks to be left alone **you leave them alone** that is the rule of the server your on, and the rule here. You didnt do that.

the fact that at some point in the past you happened to behave respectfully (which is debatable) is completely unrelated to the fact that after you were asked to disengage you continued to harass and engage over the course of several messages.

There will be consequences for that, period.

@alex @Absinthe @Surasanji


I did not use the report feature at all. I blocked the person and mentioned it in a post, that is all. Alex reached out to me to take action.

@alex @Absinthe @Surasanji

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