The big problem with the State of the Union speech was that instead of speaking to the whole country about the whole country, it focused on speaking to his own choir about himself and his reelection.

That’s why people are criticizing it as a campaign speech.

If you’re a Biden supporter, realize that the speech did not invite non-supporters, including independents, to join in his efforts. It appealed only to those already on board, which is not productive in terms of actually getting those efforts done.

In other words, if you’re in favor of what Biden was calling for, you too should be critical that this won’t help get those things done.

The speech seemed focused on helping nobody… except Joe Biden’s personal reelection.

@volkris If biden wants my support I need to see humility, apologies for his past mistakes and racism, some sense of him wanting to do better.

All Biden ever talks about is how great he is, and how much everyone who doesnt agree with him sucks (or isnt black in his own words, lol). Every time he talks he makes me want to vote for him less, not more.

@freemo Yeah, one thing I was struck by was the constant talk of himself and what he (supposedly) did, instead of what we did, or what the government did, etc. Humility would be nice, but at least he should realize that it wasn’t a moment to talk about himself.

@volkris I think everyone is so sick of ego from Trump that it seems doubly socially naive because the last thing we want is Trump replaced with another ego driven person who makes it all about him.

@freemo @volkris Has there ever been a president elected without such an ego? I think it’s almost a prerequisite for the job. Nobody without such an ego would even think to run in the first place.


Yup, I mean, pretty much every single one other than these two had better egos than these two. At least of the ones I was alive to see. Not saying they were a paragon of humility. But these two are certainly the worst I can recall.


@freemo @volkris I mean, Trump, sure, especially because his ego is so unearned. But Biden doesn’t strike me as having that much more of an ego than Obama or W or Clinton. They’re all full of themselves.


No doubt they all had egos, but yea I dont see any of them as being anywhere near bidens level of ego.. I mean the man had the nerve to say just like 2 years ago that anyone who doesnt agree with his policies doesnt even count as a black man if their black “If you dont vote for me you ain’t black”… thats a level of ego that I cant think of any candidate saying anything that comes close to that. Even Trump who would be the most ego focused candidate next to Biden, even in his case off hand I cant think of anything more ego-driven than that.


@freemo @volkris Didn’t he say something about being a better President for black people than Lincoln?


@freemo @volkris I got it a bit wrong. He claimed he did more for black people than any President other than Lincoln, before immediately saying the good Lincoln did was “questionable”.

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