Hey, totally new here. Wanted to post an article I wrote on films, do I just post?
TL;DR you are probably fine, share away, just dont spam
Most likely yes, the key is that as a new user try to be mindful not to make it look spammy. You are welcome to post your own work or even links to blogs but we expect you to be active in the community and not just be a link farm. Otherwise your good.
Check out https://qoto.org/about/more for some details on our rules and what is allowed and what isnt.
@freemo thanks. I'll get with the reading assignment before anything
@Noelvera /Its a short read, just the basics. Welcome to the server it is great to have you here
@Noelvera If you want it to show up with the Qoto Journal posts, make sure to give it the "QotoJournal" hashtag!
@Noelvera Hello, Noel, yes, you can post a new Toot - and it will be sent all over the place.
- Have a title line, space it at the top so it stands out.
- add an attractive image, related to your post's text.
f you are new to using Mastodon, there's a good guide here: https://lifehacker.com/a-beginner-s-guide-to-mastodon-1828503235
We also have another new users guide, posted here : https://write.tedomum.net/rgx/suggestions-and-guidelines-for-new-users-written-by-mastodon-art-administrator