If you are experiencing performance issues with qoto, like very long page loads, try switching to a theme that doesn't use the Mastodon instance ticker.
Edit Profile --> Preferences --> Theme dropdown menu
Select a theme the doesn't use the Mastodon instance ticker. (The default theme uses the ticker, so don't use that one.)
If you are not logged in, it will use the default ticker and so you may have performance issues when you are not logged in.
Here's the thread that discusses this issue...
#qoto #meta #tech #slow #support #MastodonTicker #performance
@Pat I knew it was a good idea I changed theme almost at the beginning. I didn't like the look of those tickers. ;)
It's running ok now when not logged in, so I guest he changed the theme that is used for clients who are not logged in.
Ticker is still not working, though.
The names do not matter to which theme is currently marked as 'default'. It's just a name.
From what @freemo has posted earlier, the 'no-ticket theme' is the default, so I'll assume it's qoto-no-ticker that's now our default theme.