俄羅斯真部署重兵了,結果美國官員說因應方案還沒提給阿拜。騙誰啊? :ablobunamused:

"美方官員估計,目前陳兵克里米亞與烏克蘭附近的俄軍已多達8萬人,約為4週前的近兩倍。歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表波瑞爾(Josep Borrell)則估計俄軍有10萬之譜,比2014年併吞克里米亞時部署的部隊還多,也遠高於目前陳兵烏克蘭東部的規模。"



"美國白宮國家安全顧問蘇利文蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)接受多家電視新聞台的訪問,他告訴「福斯週日新聞」(Fox News Sunday):「我們處於關鍵時刻,當前任何一天,俄羅斯都可能對烏克蘭採取軍事行動,或是可能從今起約數週後,亦或是俄羅斯可能選擇採取外交途徑。」

而蘇利文接受美國國家廣播公司新聞網(NBC News)節目「會晤新聞界」(Meet the Press)訪問指出,俄羅斯可能採取的行動包括,併吞烏克蘭的頓內茨克(Donetsk)地區、網攻或全面入侵烏克蘭,並說俄羅斯可能最快7日就會採取行動,但也可能需時數週。"



"The blockade has underscored the vulnerability of Ukraine’s southern coastline and its ports, as well as the inability of Ukraine and NATO to deter Moscow in the Black Sea."






從中央社地圖看, 出事的不是之前大家猜的頓內茨克而是盧甘斯克:

"俄新社的報導引述俄烏處理停火和劃界的聯合控制和協調中心(JCCC)指出,烏克蘭部隊格林威治時間17日凌晨2時30分(台北時間17日上午10時30分)朝盧甘斯克(Luhansk)境內開火,包括動用明斯克協議(The Minsk Accords)所禁用的迫砲與手榴彈。"



"The 31-point treaties also say Russia and the breakaway statelets will work to integrate their economies. Both of them are former industrial areas in need of massive support to rebuild after eight years of war with Ukrainian government forces.

The 10-year treaties are automatically renewable for further five-year periods unless one of the parties gives notice to withdraw."


"Deciding to recognize the two territories in Donbas would likely grant the Kremlin greater sway over these regions, already proxies of Moscow, and hand Mr. Putin an additional trump card in negotiations in his current standoff with the West.

Russia’s Federation Council, the upper house of the Russian parliament, will consider the move to recognize the breakaway regions at a closed meeting Tuesday, the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported, a necessary move to formalize the decrees under Russian law."


早上看俄新社新聞時頗感慨: 沒看過國家剛獨立時揮舞的是鄰國國旗的....

"Groups of people gathered in the streets, displaying Russia’s flags and cheering Moscow’s move, another video shows."


從美聯社的報導研判, 目前雙方實際動手不多, 主要還是政治操作為主:

"While separatists have charged that Ukrainian forces were firing on residential areas, Associated Press journalists reporting from several towns and villages in Ukrainian-held territory along the line of contact have not witnessed any notable escalation from the Ukrainian side and have documented signs of intensified shelling by the separatists that destroyed homes and ripped up roads.

Some residents of the main rebel-held city of Donetsk described sporadic shelling by Ukrainian forces, but they added that it wasn’t on the same scale as earlier in the conflict."






"The Russian leader is trying to stop further enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, whose expansion he sees as encroaching on Russia’s security and part of the West’s deception and broken promises. He wants NATO to scale back its military reach to the 1990s, before it expanded east of Germany. The demands would reverse many of the extraordinary changes in Europe that took place in that decade.

In sum, Mr. Putin seeks to undo many of the security consequences of the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, an event the Russian leader has called the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century.

Given that the past century encompassed two world wars, the Holocaust and much else, Mr. Putin’s superlative is revealing. It reflects what he saw at close hand in the 1990s: the collapse of the Soviet empire, Moscow’s reliance on the West for handouts as its economy went into free fall and his country’s internal chaos. The West, meanwhile, trumpeted its Cold War victory."


布丁兄藉口核武放白羅斯的同時, 網路上出現二戰用博物館級BM-13多管火箭砲出現在俄羅斯往烏克蘭方向的公路上前進中...

"俄國現存的戰術核武存放在至少30座軍事基地和掩體中,由柯列斯尼可夫(Igor Kolesnikov)領導的國防部第12總局(12th GUMO)負責管制,柯列斯尼可夫有權向國防部長直接回報。

蒲亭如果準備發動戰術核武攻擊,可能會先諮詢俄羅斯國家安全會議(Russian Security Council)的高層盟友,之後再透過參謀總部下令將核彈頭裝上運送載具,並準備執行發射命令。



白羅斯老弟中毒了, 換車臣老弟拿中國送的裝甲車上場支援:

"俄羅斯轄下車臣現任總統卡德羅夫(Ramzan Kadyrov)是於2007年由普廷親自指派的領導人。去年2月24日俄羅斯出兵烏克蘭,車臣自治共和國隨即宣布支持普廷發動攻擊,並調派部隊陸續展開支援。

根據《DefenceBlog》報導,卡德羅夫7日在其Telegram頻道上釋出一段影片,證實車臣部隊已接收由中國陝西寶雞專用汽車廠(Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)製造的首批裝甲車,將用在俄方堅稱的對烏「特殊軍事行動」,也就是國際間普遍認定的侵烏戰爭。"


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