"美方官員估計,目前陳兵克里米亞與烏克蘭附近的俄軍已多達8萬人,約為4週前的近兩倍。歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表波瑞爾(Josep Borrell)則估計俄軍有10萬之譜,比2014年併吞克里米亞時部署的部隊還多,也遠高於目前陳兵烏克蘭東部的規模。"
西方這廂武器小補, 俄羅斯那廂不甘示弱:
"根據《路透》報導,「Maxar Technologies」指出,衛星在2月4日拍下俄軍在白俄羅斯葉利斯基(Yelsk)、列奇察(Rechitsa)及盧尼涅茨(Luninets)的部署概況,上述三地都距離烏克蘭邊境不到50公里。
"美國白宮國家安全顧問蘇利文蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)接受多家電視新聞台的訪問,他告訴「福斯週日新聞」(Fox News Sunday):「我們處於關鍵時刻,當前任何一天,俄羅斯都可能對烏克蘭採取軍事行動,或是可能從今起約數週後,亦或是俄羅斯可能選擇採取外交途徑。」
而蘇利文接受美國國家廣播公司新聞網(NBC News)節目「會晤新聞界」(Meet the Press)訪問指出,俄羅斯可能採取的行動包括,併吞烏克蘭的頓內茨克(Donetsk)地區、網攻或全面入侵烏克蘭,並說俄羅斯可能最快7日就會採取行動,但也可能需時數週。"
找日本支援歐洲? 阿敗政權到底有多狀況外啊...
"Under Tokyo’s new policy, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry would call on certain big commercial importers to bring into the country extra buffer cargoes starting in December 2023. In an emergency, the government could order those importers to direct the gas to locations with the greatest need such as smaller regional power and gas companies.
In normal times, the importers could sell the buffer gas on the regular market, with a state-run energy corporation making up the difference if the importers suffered losses.
The policy calls for the buffer shipments to bring in about 70,000 tons of LNG each month, according to the ministry. Initially it would last until February 2024 and eventually, the government would aim to secure at least 12 cargoes of that size for its buffer strategy each year, it said."