Hi @freemo it's Friday and, as you requested, I remind you that #QOTO lacks a #Privacy policy.
Please, do not under-estimate the issue as many QOTO's users are European citizens and, as far as I can see here https://dns-lookup.com/qoto.org several services from the US are connected (DNS from Amazon, and mail from Google) while using QOTO.
Data storage, as far as I can see https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=ptr%3a51.178.91.220&run=toolpage is still in OVH, but I'd guess that you need an explicit consent for these stuff anyway.
Yes i havent. I started the provreas of updating thw code and thia is included in the new version. Might tale me a week or two to finish updating and testing the code but i at least started the process