We’re cooked on climate: 2024 virtually certain to be the hottest year on record
"The climate numbers are bad"
@zleap @science @climatechange
For some the need to tackle the climate situation is not dire as they can they can insulate themselves from its effects by wealth. If that fails, then there is always the prospect of a quick space hop over to Mars to start a new colonisation project.
@bibliolater @science @climatechange
NASA want to go to mars for Science and human exploration, Musk wants to go Mars to make money, satisfy his ego and colonise as he is arrogant enough to think Mars is ours to colonise.
@zleap @science @climatechange
I do not know how this this story will play out in the end. From past experience I do not know whether to be optimistic or pessimistic, humans do not always do what is in their or their families best interests.
@bibliolater @science @climatechange
@zleap @science @climatechange
You are welcome.
@bibliolater @science @climatechange
So it may not all be bad news, the IRA act seems to be safe(ish) even of republicans control congress, lets hope that any other measures meet with opposition or resistance.
@zleap @science @climatechange
Predictions are difficult but what is certain is that the future holds uncertainty.
The good thing is we know why, the bad thing is we also know why it will only get worse
>"Greed And Stupidity Are What Will End The Human Race" - Stephen Hawking
@bibliolater @science @climatechange
If Trump goes ahead with his plan to abolish the NOAA what impact will this have on global climate monitoring and research.