Among the #GUI programs on my PC, I like my Terminal Emulator only. I have a slow HDD and whenever I want to open one of those GUI programs, they want to load soooo much from my Disk so they are much slower to load. Also when I don't use them for a while and their data on memory get placed in my swap space, having them back is again as slow as loading them almost. It seems that because computers have more and more memory, newer versions of programs want to waste more and more memory. #memory_waste #huge_memory_usage #linux #tech
@marathon0 8 GB is enough for my programs.
@farooqkz Must have misread it. Thought it said less than 1Gb. ;-) You're right, it is enough!
What kind of GUI programs are you using that takes 8GB of ram?
I mean, web browsers are pretty heavy on that but should still be completely functional with 4GB.
@rastinza No program is taking 8 GB. But #LibreOffice is extremely slow to load and when it is loaded it takes a lot of RAM. #Firefox has the same problem but I have it open all the time and I can take care of the number of open tabs.
@farooqkz Not a lot of ram in that Latitude. ;-)