Christ almighty is there a ton of porn and lunacy on this instance's federated timeline. This may have been a mistake.

@evaristus Federated timelines are usually improved by you muting the whole instance. There are only a gew instances that show porn so its easy to block it all in one go.

But generally we dont silence instances at the server level unless they engage in harassment.



You know how to mute a whole instance instead of just individuals right?


@freemo @cowanon I assume the filter system works with domains too?


Go to the profile of a user from the server you wush to mute (click their username). Then press the three dots next to their profile. It should have an option saying "Hide everything from <server name>"


Maybe that's only on some instances and/or you need to be an admin, as I don't see that option from #FSE :2050: @freemo @evaristus
Me? No. I wish I knew how to block e.g. all users on sinblr. @freemo @evaristus

@cowanon @evaristus @freemo

It's easy, as freemo described. Present in all user profile dot menus. Screenshot here for one.

@cowanon @evaristus @freemo
that could be not from the server, but from the client software you are utilizing.

Mine is the default Mastodon web interface - you can get the same if you open the in a browser in any device - mobile or desktop.

Try that, is my guess you are on mobile and client is not full featured.

I just have in my desktop browser. I'm still pretty new to this fediverse/etc stuff and don't quite yet know how exactly it all works; that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :blob_laughing: @design_RG @evaristus @freemo

Well, you have the same software as I am using here right now. The home instance loaded into a browser for use. You should see the menu like I did.

BUT -- you need to Search for the @sinblr account in your own instance's Search box.

Notice on screenshot how I am using the search box, from my own instance,, and lookign for "@sinblr" (without quotes.

If you do it from here, you have the options, all of them, Follow, mute, block, block whole instance.

@evaristus @freemo

Looks like I'd have to make a brand new account on to get such options. Drat. But thank you for the help! :blobrainbow: @design_RG @evaristus @freemo
How strange, this interface is all weird and stuff! Let's see if I can get used to it. Thanks a bunch! :rainbowdance: @TheMadPirate @design_RG @evaristus @freemo
@cowanon @design_RG @evaristus @freemo it's a tweetdeck like interface.
Press on the looking glass icon, search for @ sinblr, press the three dots near the profile name, select "hide everything from this instance".

@TheMadPirate @cowanon

As Mad Pirate pointed out, if you opened the page, you should have the full Mastodon web interface, and similar to what we have here at Qoto.

Keep plowing, friend, we are all learning, everyday.

I just started here a month ago. And loving every minute. Cheers!

@evaristus @freemo

Aaaand there goes a few of the domains that I never want to see anything from again! Going to take some getting used to this. Thanks again, you guys!
@TheMadPirate @design_RG @evaristus @freemo

@cowanon @TheMadPirate @evaristus @freemo

You are welcome!

And -- if you decide to open another account in a new instance, or move your account totally, you can easily Export the full list of the Blocked Domains to a .csv file.

That file can be imported, very easily, at the new place, and all the Blocks are in place there too.

Pretty neat, in fact. Used it myself, works as advertised.

In other news, I had to switch my UI to Mobile mode because the monitor I use fedi on is vertical like the one on the left in this photo. :blobtea: (Dual monitors are fun if overwhelming at times.)​ @design_RG @TheMadPirate @evaristus @freemo
serveimage (3).jpg


That vertical monitor is a dream!!

Vertical space is so limited in the wide screen laptops and desktop monitors we are forced to purchase for the last few years.

That one will display so much more information. Lovely. 👍

@TheMadPirate @evaristus @freemo

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.