@freemo That text based forecast is really neat. 😃
@design_RG I love it. I try to do most things in the console, the less mouse needed the better. Makes for a pretty slick retro but high-resolution look. My status screen is pretty sexy
No program needed actually. its a website that dumps its output in text.
So on linux you just display the content of the link direct to your console and you get that nice output:
`curl wttr.in"
You can point your browser to wttr.in though and it will render proper on many browsers still (it is smart enough to switch to html when it senses a browser).
If you want it to produce it as an image then go here just replace with your city:
@freemo @realcaseyrollins Very cool indeed.
Looked up my own forecast, it's grey here today, blah.
Snow tomorrow, Blizzard forecast. oh my. 😔
@freemo @design_RG Awesome! This is super cool!