So I'm playing with some new features in the QOTO codebase. I think they are ready to use almost but I wanted a chance for people to comment.. here are some features that I got working locally on my test instance:

* Bookmarking toots and retrieving.

* Quoting toots

* Domain subscription (this one is my favorite) where you can follow a specific instance (not a user) and basically create a local timeline at QOTO reflecting the remote instances timeline.

* Account subscription. This is a bit like a follow but not a follow. It is where you follow a persons public toots only but dont actually follow them. This is handy if a user posts some public toots but also has their followers locked for approval. You can still follow them without their approval or them even knowing you follow.

* a more prominent link to our QOTO announcements and the / hashtags.

* Several additional theme alternatives to try

Also a few smaller features not worth mentioning.


@freemo @design_RG I love these! Esp. instance subs and quoting toots.

I do think some might not like account subs (I do tho) but if most people in like it, that shouldn't be a problem.



We can always tweak these features if people don't like it. Its all very experimental but I think there is some cool stuff in here.


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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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