Q. List of server instances blocking QOTO? 

Q. Anyone have a list of other server instances blocking QOTO?

(those seeing us as spam or hostile, policy mismatches etc).


General thoughts:
Not blaming QOTO for my low interactions (!) or engagement here but I do have that feeling it might be less and less with others too, as we lean towards certain things more or specialise often, but also maybe the spam accounts sometimes get to other instances (even though we do good job stopping that after being reported) and they think it's like we don't stop them.

Perhaps some policy differences also?

Hard to see and measure being blocked so I wanted to a list of instances blocking QOTO and would be handy not for me to guess we are somewhat isolated (by nature and by misunderstanding QOTO).

Q. List of server instances blocking QOTO? 

@freeschool @freemo you can look up known block announces here fba.ryona.agency/?domain=qoto.

most seem to block because they don't like free speech, even if it's polite like on qoto. or because we federate with "bad people".

Q. List of server instances blocking QOTO? 

@bonifartius @freemo Wow that's a great page (just saw freemo's comment that it's incorrect but yeah pinch of salt).

Few notes for myself if interested yourself.

█ All the more reasons to work in-house for QOTO (haters gonna hate and we know / can find out amongst ourselves what we can get on with). Again I hope with Podcast or similar project:

█ That page reminds me of when I worked in complaints / customer care department and the had absolute pleasure of documenting complaints and sticking to all problems (of which people above tried to manage and manipulate around or actually solve from my detailed comments but including customer's rights indirectly usually got customer or other operator's the message that *this* is what we provide / should do usually and not gip them).

█ Some obviously are spam servers in themselves saying we're xyz but I don't mind them as they're kinda honest / clear what they are about.


Q. List of server instances blocking QOTO? 


Now that we have a whole team and some money I think your going to see a lot more projects soon.. first we just need to get things up to speed.

So one of the issues with this list is that it falsly reports who blocks you, like many of those servers dont actually block at all... Basically if someone blocked you once 10 years ago and then unblocked you, it would show on this list as a current block. They **never** remove old blocks even once removed. For that reason it is a very bad link to use, especially because older servers will have much longer lists even if they arent really blocked.

Also servers that no longer exist at all remain on the list.


@freemo @bonifartius About projects. Any ideas for what projects (other than clearing up some of server stuff) and any names up in the mix?
Do you have a list of stuff to be done / considered as projects ?


First step is just bring in some stuff from upstream, namely in-line editing and some translation stuff. Also we have some bug fixes.

Around the same time we have to migrate servers too.

That alone will be a huge effort and the work has begun, thats likely a good month there.

After that we have some plans for features around blocking (allowing for a server-wide block that users can override), and a few other quality of life improvements.



Oh and a new user querentine. Essentially all new users start out silenced and once they make a post showing they are not spam (or two) we unsilence them to accept them.


@freemo @freeschool sure, makes sense!

i already like the current featureset, pinning other timelines is very cool. the colored follow icons are also very handy!

thanks for putting in the work and money :)


Happy to. To be fair the main company I own that supports QOTO recently got some decent sized investors. So while int he past i have put up a lot of money it isnt really my money right now :) That said these guys are old friends and it wont change anything for QOTO, we will still remain strictly open-source with no corporate interests aside from being able to use our open-source stuff from our community (including resources like gitlab). Like anyone else though they wont be allowed to do anything commercial on our systems. I also own the company so I can make sure that remains true :)


@freemo @bonifartius Thanks also from me.

I echo what @bonifartius said about the thanks, and you have my constant kudos... as well as push to enable me to do what I do (and discover that here).

📔 Note: "quality and NOT quantity" is what I'd say to grow this all right <--- strongly feel this is measurably too and according to what people need or don't have under Capitalism (they are creatively starving).

🌲 So not just growing in space or server but each person here and us growing with you and that way we kinda get to world peace or more fun doing whatever we can (literally I see our being here itself can make this happen more effortlessly by what we like doing already or advertising it here in-house).

The searching constantly for our self and each other, learning towards unity with you. is important and for our generations to come.

Kudos and :ubuntu: (I am... because we are... my existence is also from what you|we do as one in humanity)

🕊️ We need more good stuff to do.

I have been patiently waiting for years and I will be gone at some point. Measurably have more time than others. If the others in the team can reach me, I welcome it.
Thanks for your (plural) efforts.


Thank you, and I agree. Its mostly a matter of getting people interested and contributing. My time is limited so I need to rely on create community rather than trying to do it all myself. But looks like we are getting there with the new resources.


@freemo @bonifartius Agree, although
█ you're not by yourself... you have us!
█ you don't need time for what I mean
✅ You just accept a pitch that sounds good (a post you've already read from users like mine who are trying without any attention) and back a few select people as a confirmed QOTO test so it's way to funnel a few people from using your popularity to them (mostly for QOTO but those who still are unconfident).
The rest will create itself here.

Your backing and encouragement helps us (or just 2 users) to test it in more of reality and purpose to realise what is - and accept if it's just a pipe dream or in reality in the long run proven (so by the time you have more time it's clearer and you don't have to start this process later).

It can prove what works done by ourselves (and also ok if it's not) I that's the main thing.
Start to shout out that "now we're trying this QOTO, so try it!" and everything will line itself.

Consider it a test space as you might well have wanted initially as a bit more than micro-blogging social. A few of us in-house talking / making with your nod will be quite painless.
I certainly mean no harm by it.

We can prove / show things while you do your other things. ⏲️
The time I feel we're losing if we (the bored isers) are giving to external companies or playing war game all the time. So without rushing it's better value something here than anywhere else.

█ Start me off by boosting my podcast post you've already seen

+ give your "approval for testing" comment and watch people go with more confidence and build a bit here as audio clips. It even proves what doesn't work so it won't fail you later,

Disclaimers can be put there as a test mode. I think more happy production can commence and someone like me will have time to talk it all out so you need not be involved apart from check in / read what you already read from time to time.

Happy to send you podcasts I've done before (I sent you some before with a Debian developer and many others).
I did also have webspace but cut down - could upload a few to temporary space
You could also up my limits temporarily and I could upload previous podcasts here 10-100mb each as a test in itself.

Not trying to cheat anyone here. And well you'll always be busy so I think it's not going to change.

What say you? (guess I'm asking for you to back me a bit / boost the podcast post and say it's more officially a QOTO test :)



Now that I have the resources testing new iudeas and building out some of this is very more likely. At a minimum setting up that podcast server is much more likely in the near future.

Though keep in mind this company does things outside of QOTO too, so not 100% of the focus will be on QOTO. My time is still stretched very thin, at least until i get a little momentum going. I mean a startup is a lot of effort, im easily working 80 hour weeks now if not more, weekends included.

Where do you need your limits increased? We have plenty of resources to increase your limits anytime just ask.

Sadly ill be pretty busy for a solid year, after that i may find i have a little more time.

> What say you? (guess I'm asking for you to back me a bit / boost the podcast post and say it's more officially a QOTO test :)

I actually already boosting both your podcast posts when you made them. I am more than happy to reboost them now. When you say "make it an official QOTO test" what exactly do you mean? Id be happy to help endorse you doing a podcast as part of an official QOTO thing. In fact we have been wanting to do this and havent had the time so if you want to spear head that I can definately make it something official as long as you will go in a direction that aligns with what QOTO is.


@freemo @bonifartius Great. Not much more needed. I'll spear head mostly on my own and we'll see how it goes.

✔️ You boosted posts already, great (tick).

❓ Could you increase my upload limit to 100mb so that gets me able to add existing podcasts?
I have mp3 which I've done before so it can get a feel for an end result to see what has potential for future etc..,

That's it really.

The rest below is optional if you want to add any topic yourself (like diving)... or a template to ask other about love and logic in life

► So if you want, think about some text to read for yourself on a future skit or something that interests you (I'd like a mini audio skit about your diving if you're up for that). ❓

I can send you some questions as text or audio and we can show people they too can do this and send stuff in like a good old fashioned radio show 😃

I'll get building basically with stuff I have.

P.S - Making it a "Official QOTO test" just meant that you agree it's not an evil idea to try with your blessings :) not much more - though I could make a badge for fun in jest to this :)

@freeschool @freemo just my two cents regarding the file size limit, you could encode the podcast with opus and save a huge amount of size while still being high quality. i can't really distinguish music encoded at 96kbps opus from high quality vbr mp3. every browser and device should be able to play opus by now.

@freeschool @freemo reencoding existing mp3 may reduce quality though, so maybe only for future recordings :)

@bonifartius @freemo Agree and already considered.

I already use 32kbs or 64kbps for podcast audio (for which Opus is more adapted and smaller for voice) but perhaps not so much difference dealing at Megabyte levels of difference. Will always think more about this.

I know for sure .Ogg / Opus isn't as editable (will need to change my tools) and not as playable everywhere as mp3 but yeah now is a better time than any to promote it 11years since it's making.

Saw Android 5 mobiles play opus naturally with app.

As I recycle old mobiles I remember my mobile didn't play Opus / Vorbis (in the past) but with an app did / or I converted it to be able to edit on a mobile.

:android: Apps today increasingly need high Android versions for basic tasks (even when they don't really need high version mobiles) so if there are low Android apps versions around 2/3/4 to record / edit opus then I'd really to know and keep old mobiles ok.

❓ Actually was looking for a an app site which can search by Android version to get those low requirement apps and not have to constantly open and close pages saying they need yesterday's high Android versions.

I am happy to see this open format more in effect and might have to change things.

I have existing podcast material in mp3 so I'll roll with that for while but not stop thinking about Opus.


You mean your upload limit directly to qoto.org and not one of our services like nextcloud? I need to check how to do that and if it can be done on a per-user basis.

But wouldnt it be better if i setup a service specifically for pod casts that is AP federated? One exists. Then you can just boost it from your account here since it will show as a fedi account and post.


@freemo @bonifartius For now yes I think up it on qoto it's easiest / quick to change and then the nextcloud stuff later as it is a bit of a faff and anyway goes to same storage space anyway.

I'll post actual audio media separately under a public post to saying there is a new podcast (audio will not in same message but add after as 'unlisted' to solve that the audio is not federated / copied everywhere).

It means I can do things now and later consider Nextcloud etc which maybe in the end is quite similar (and increasingly apps or sites are not allowing old phones including open source things so yes just for now I would want to keep it simple only needing Mastodon my end which works everywhere.

Again upping the limit on qoto only as test and speed to release a few things for you / us to see how it turns out as an idea rather than way for you to consider Nextcloud and see if it works my end too with old browsers etc I use.

@freeschool @bonifartius

> For now yes I think up it on qoto it's easiest / quick to change and then the nextcloud stuff later as it is a bit of a faff and anyway goes to same storage space anyway.

So from my end upping your limit on NextCloud is trivial, upping it here not so much. I will explain.

first off just in general I think I can only up the global limit on QOTO and not just your individual limit. I will double check if this is true but I think its a fair bet to be honest. On NextCloud I can do it trivially as I have before.

But in addition to that thereis the problem that we have a major migrationa nd upgrade underway and until that is complete I cant change too much. First we have to migrate the versiona as-is, then we have quite a bit of upgrades we need to apply incrementally. Until all that happens we wont be in a place to make any changes to qoto, it needs to finish its upgrade process. That will be a solid month long process at this point between the development effort, the migration, and the incremental upgrades planned.

It literally would be easier for me to setup a podcast server and tie it in.

We also have to be mindful of the QOTO media server. Because we keep **everything** it is quite large even at its much lower limits. Having that seperated out makes a lot of sense on multiple levels.

@freemo @bonifartius Ok.
✅ if the change on QOTO is possible then just for speed I'll do 1 or 2 podcast example (not more) then we can try Nextcloud

:Nextcloud so I'll check out the Nextcloud route too either way as it does make a lot of sense.

It was mostly just so I can get rolling for first few audios without you needing to do much more.

@freemo Is interesting to me but really I know the right answer, at least for now....it is the simplest protocol the way I've like it while doing things before and how Debian have done it for years (+many skilled-others). See: for example what I mean here:


Longer version of why not even needed to add here, see how fast that way. You can skip any hassles and just set up as above which is the default / base style file system and just send a username and password to connect to 1 directory as my root that I can create downwards only in OR just up my limit in Mastodon storage and call it done.

Next year you can try more if you want to spend time experimenting with new stuff and it will be better / clearer by then.

This is just a few files for me and how I like to work and to get some of those bigger interviews on that I've already have done now and ready to show you here and the Fedi to see what people think!

█password to connect to dir where I upload files to
█up my limit on Mastodon and call it a day using what we have already

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.