My top 3 criteria for picking who I vote for this year will be:

1) Is not Biden
2) Is not Trump
3) Of whoever is left, the most honest, compassionate, and least racist/sexist choice.

@freemo Are you planning on running for President?


Yes I am planning on running from presidents.

@freemo @olives I might just be stupid but I'd be curious what pen they like the most.

@freemo @olives The PEN IS mightier than the sword.

All jokes aside, I keep a Zebra F-701 and F-401 with ultra fine black carts. Those are for Mathematics. I keep M-301s for dragging graphite rods against an abrasive surface. A Permanent Marker is a must and I only use the large one to accidentally write on a whiteboard. (Professors think it's magic when they see Expo solvent remove it.)

I also keep a G2 ultra bold black, 1.0mm I believe, that's for Hanzi. Anything other than that pen and I will mess up the strokes. A Fountain Pen is something I love to hate. I have several Cross Pens but I don't like fancy mediocrity, it's a cod piece of a pen. Parker Pens feel a little better in my experience but Zebra has really black ink and the heavier F-701 just glides across paper. It's also not a weapon and the knurled steel grip is the only acceptable grip.

A pen is a tool and every tool has a specific use. If someone doesn't have a preference in pens, perhaps it's because they don't write often.

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