@freemo @freeschool
Have used a Zuca Pro for some yrs now. It came with a set of similar pouches, fantastic piece of gear.
Back int he fay fine luggage would have it built in. I always loved that idea (never owned it). Then i realized this is actually better since it can account for variation in size of a compartment (the compression part). In fact with these I could probably start using much smaller luggage.
@freemo @freeschool
Of course, Zuca’s pouches can used elsewhere. While the Pro is sized to comply with std IATA airline carry on dimensions some European airlines eschew IATA recs & make their own rules (eg Ryanair) so I’ll use the pouches but in another piece of luggage. IKEA sold packing pouch sets too, don’t know if they’re in the present product range.
@freemo If you can in future post less bigtech page links I'd appreciate it or upload a pic and put name of model instead - thanks
I'll add note maybe to my profile (and you can add note to mine your side to remember) (worth considering for fedi, or even just me)
also related to what I just posted: https://qoto.org/@freeschool/112218133166510169
"We still need to use Fediverse with less direct links to BigTech sites so they get less revenue from us here clicking links... so it's not YouTube direct links but Redirected links! ====> https://redirect.invidious.io/
(it's YouTube without the tracking + ads!)
@freeschool I dont generally post amazon stuff unless someone asks where I got something. But bear in mind if you ever ask me for how to buy a product or something i bought youll almost always get a amazon link back. It is usually all I can use, if I can help it.
@freemo :D Fair play - are there other sites as good or almost only Amazon that actually works best?
@freeschool I pick amazon because i get free same day shipping, and even if a purchase is hundreds they dont make me ship broken stuff back to get a refund when its unreasonable. Sometimes they will just give me extra money for my trouble. I have never met a company that gives me that level of service, so I am happy to ensure they get as close to 100% of my business as possible.
@freeschool https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074KQ4C85/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1