@gpowerf I've been fighting the urge to get an Xbox (not a PS guy, a PC one) Would you say S or X? (Not caring about the budget ofc)
@superpt I’d say that if your budget is tight and you mostly want to use Game Pass then the S. If you picture yourself wanting to take advantage of physical games getting cheap a while after release and you crave that extra performance then the X.
One advantage of the S is the size, it doesn’t get mentioned much but it is really tiny and easy to move or discretely hide.
@gpowerf Thank you, gave me some food for thought. I think I'm going the X route. Was always a sucker for physical media anyways...
@gpowerf well worth the money! Save yourself a lot of heartache.
@4ScarrsGaming hope so yeah :) I already have a slow 1TB drive, alongside this it should be enough.
@gpowerf That's tiny.