The hexane just arrived for the CBD to THC synthesis lan ill be showing sometime later this week!
@freemo can you synthetize complex organic compounds? Do you depart from base molecules, from the scratch? If so, it is awesome!
@mikelga Are you asking about in general or specifically in reference to the semisynthesis of CBD to THC ill be doing?
@freemo both. Any thing involving chemical synthesis is fascinating. Of course if you were able to synthetize anything that would be asthonising, science fiction!
I thing the only few thing i can synthetize my own are urea, co2 and methane! Hehehe!
I remember time when we smoked lots of porros full charged with natural THC. then i stoped smoking at all.
After that, so sporadically, when i meet old friends who smoke marihuana nowadays i smoked from time to time. But i don't like that very much because i often had dizzines.
If only we could synthetize it in that time... The money we would spare! As far as i remember it was to expensive for us! We did't know how to deal with the dealer, he always swindle us...
@mikelga Well to the general question.. depends on the chemical. some chemicals, even complex ones, are easy to sythesize, just follow the steps. It also depends on what you mean by synthesize. What are the precursors we are starting with? Obviously if i have to start from pure elemental products as a rule then its going to be harder than if i can start with more complex precursors.. so.. it depends.
As for CBD to THC its actually a relatively simple synthesis. Its just one single and direct transition from CBD to THC caused by protanation. Basically it just closes and otherwise open carbon ring through simple proton donation.
So in its simplest form if you expose CBD to a strong enough acid it will turn into THC. Getting a pure product and doing that efficiently is really where all the magic happens.
Making it from CBD wont safe you a ton of money (perhaps some). Making it from scratch is possible but you'd need all sorts of pressurized chambers that it likely would cost you more than its worth.
@freemo but first you have to get pure CBD, then make it react with that strong enough acid (not sure if it will give more protons than you need), be sure that the product is the thing you want to be... What do you do to ensure that you got your goal? Do you give a sample to your cat?
Misi misi! Stop laughing loud please! Do not start pursuing my shoe! It is not a rat!
@mikelga Thanks! Yes I plan to detail it and film the whole process.