@freemo have you a link? I never imagined that this film can became a problem.

@mzan A link to what exactly? The film wasnt a problem, thats the point of the post. Now that "drag queen story hour" is a big issue and everyone is complaining refering to this movie is meant to contrast the absurdity, as it happened in the movie and no one gave a shit.


@freemo A link about some example of critique to the film. I cannot imagine how one can criticize this film, so I'm curious.

@mzan No one did criticize it, thats the point of the post.

@freemo ah ok sorry. Understood. There were no drama when the film came out, and I know/remember this (I'm old enough).

But there is no criticism also now. I thought there were someone criticizing the film, right now.

In any case, for sake of security, I will cancell you 🙂

@mzan There is no ciriticising the film now, but there IS a lot of people complaining about drag queens reading to kids, which is something in the film but no one objected to the film.

@freemo but I think that a modern drag queen reading books to kids is likely that she is doing some sort of "political action"/propaganda.

If there is a drag-queen who is a normal teacher, with her character and attitude, no problem. This can be also very formative for the kids, because this open their minds.

But if there is a political agenda, and the drag queen teacher go only from class to class for instilling doubts in the children, then I can be suspicious, and I don't like it.

Mrs Doubtfire was not about a teacher instilling gender/sex related doubts in the children, but he/she was a normal/funny person.

@mzan No one is dressing up as drag queens to convert your kids... at worst they just want people to know they exist and get to interact with them so they know they are good people.. they are reading books because it is a nice thing to do for children.... jesus christ this isnt complicated.

@freemo sorry, but I don't believe to this story.


> jesus christ this isnt complicated.

you can always complicate it, creating a post without a link. I don't live in USA, and I cannot read your mind.

Summing up, I'm not scared of anybody interacting with children, if he/she is genuine. The world is made of diversity and the more they see, the better is for their mind/knowledge.

I'm only scared of people with a political agenda, that want to mess with the children.

If queers want to show up to children with their personality, joy and they want to read funny books, I'm happy. In worst case scenario, it is a lot better of many shows on TV with violence and monsters 🙂

If doing so, they implicitly want to reduce the future complications of some child that growing up, discover that he/she has gender/sex "problems", then this is useful.

If their main plan is to instill in children doubts about sex and gender, then I don't agree.

But, I have already said this. Only for being clear.

@mzan Nah your fine, its men who dress in womens cloths enriching your children with good childrens books and reading... nothing more. If there is any agenda it is just wanted to be treated like normal people by doing this very normal (and kind hearted) task as a way to do that. It wasnt a big issue in the movie or in general until the right-wing made it one.

@freemo ok, if the queer are failing with the children, we can go in tour together explaining to the children the hundred occasions when the "portable car toilet" can be useful. The word "poop" cannot fail with the children 🙂

@ChristiJunior @freemo @mzan These retarded faggots don't realize they're in real danger lol.

We're not the brain broken sub 80 iq boomers.
This is the official LGBT organization and this is them explicitly saying they want to indoctrinate and rape children.
@freemo @mzan There is footage of drag queens marching at pride parades literally chanting that they want to convert children


When I, and most people, say "no one" we meant of the billions of people int he world a statisticially insignificant number of people of those... but not being nerds most of the time people say "no one" knowing what is meant. Hope that clarifies.


@freemo @mzan Drag queens themselves are a statistically insignificant number of people when you're looking at that scale; it'd be just as easy to say "no one is a drag queen" or even "no one is reading to children in drag" when you're looking at it on a scale of "significant numbers of people relative to ~8 billion"


In terms of percentages, based on surveys, 1% to 5% of men cross-dress... thats a significant number.


@freemo @mzan Cross dressing isn't drag; drag is a niche and extreme subgroup of cross dressing, which tends to revel in grotesque, often misogynistic and transphobic caricatures of femininity. While most cross dressers are either doing it privately, or if doing it in public, trying to "pass" and successfully appear as the opposite gender, drag is all about appearing as a drag queen, since being a grotesque caricature is the main motivation. It really isn't comparable to regular cross dressing.


Yea clearly that is something you have never bothered to see for yourself and judge.. cause that is completely detached fromt he reality.


@freemo @mzan Trust me, I'm a cross dresser, I know a hell of a lot more about cross dressing and its subcultures than you do.





> In terms of percentages, based on surveys, 1% to 5% of men cross-dress... thats a significant number.

I worry that plastic chemicals in our blood and especially of the fetus, that acts like female estrogens, are increasing the gender problems in population, mainly males.

There should be more serious studies about this, because now micro-plastic is every where.


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