RT @oxfordrobots
We have made great progress over 2 years in our quest for effective building blocks of embodied intelligence. Investigating topics from tactile sensing all the way to human machine collaboration. Check out our journey thus far embodiedintelligence.web.ox.ac

New study from @nadine_dijkstra & @smfleming published in @NatureComms finds the more vividly a person imagines something, the more likely it is that they believe it’s real.


RT @UCLBrainScience
The more vividly a person imagines something, the more likely it is that they believe it’s real, finds a new study by UCL researchers.

@nadine_dijkstra @WCHN_UCL @UCLIoN @smfleming @UCLPALS

Read more ⬇️ bit.ly/43SxaXH

RT @micahgallen
Our recent metacognition preprint has been "published" by the obviously predatory "journal" 'SIAM International Journal'. We definitely did not give them permission to do this! What can we do to make them take it down? Help! siamsite.com/index.php/siam/ar

RT @astridlund3
Ever wondered, "Am I good at that?" 💭 Is this capacity for domain-general, or more specific? Our pre-print (and thread) explore why we believe it's mostly domain-general, with some key exceptions. Read on! 👇 Preprint: psyarxiv.com/p97s5

RT @mattbutlerpsych
FND meets consciousness research, is there a more interesting topic? (no)

Join us next Tuesday on link in QT! twitter.com/IoPPN_NREG/status/

RT @CogCompNeuro
Due to an unprecedented (!!) number of submissions, we need to temporarily pause registration to reserve space for presenting authors of accepted papers. Registration will reopen first to presenters and then to everyone after the review process has been completed.

I am SO excited to share that our paper 'Sensory strength distinguishes imagination from reality' is now published! It was a long process but I'm so happy with the result. With @smfleming


Subjective signal strength distinguishes reality from imagination nature.com/articles/s41467-023 by @nadine_dijkstra @smfleming; "when virtual or imagined signals are strong enough, they become subjectively indistinguishable from reality"; it has this Arthur C. Clarke ring to it...

RT @rotembot
Now out in @NatureHumBehav! nature.com/articles/s41562-023. Together with @torwager & Matt Jones, we studied how people update their high-stakes beliefs given new information. We focused on beliefs in fraud following the 2020 U.S. election. More details: twitter.com/rotembot/status/14 (1/6)

RT @mona_garvert
There has been a lot of progress in our understanding of how the brain organises relationships in cognitive maps. But how is this knowledge used when guiding novel choice? Work with @TankredSaanum, @cpilab, @nico_schuck & @doellerlab now in @NatureNeuro rdcu.be/c83tL

RT @uksciencechief
Signing on as Government Chief Scientific Adviser today. I’m looking forward to working with government, academia and industry. Science, innovation and technology has never been more important for the UK.

RT @MmeJeanserre
New ERC-funded Post-doc position to fill in my team in human neuroimaging. Please check details on my website 👇 or retweet !

RT @esfinn
Next up: we live our day-to-day lives chronologically. But when we learn about other people, we often hear bits and pieces from different times in their life. What's more, storytellers often manipulate the order in which they relay events for dramatic effect 1/7

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