Added some content to the Physics, Misc and Chemistry areas on the discourse forum, is it worth adding links under computer engineering to free software such as the fsf, fsfe and for example ?
If we can educate people about free software then any resource are helpful.
@freemo Ok cool, I will see what else I can add.
@zleap Can I post in here too?
I have some links to arXiv that I think people would find interesting (though can be quite technical, so not for the faint hearted). Mostly cosmology, but have SR, GR, & QM related topics too.
There are also some great youtube channels too. Can they go in here too?
@chrism Sure go ahead. I am working through an open learn course right now, and this is covering the history of the universe, life time of stars, there seems to be a lot of cross over with other open learn courses.on this.
The more content / discussion we have on there the better, we all learn something new but the forum(s) also look active, which encourages others to post.
Looking forward to seeing more content.
Further to previous reply you can follow ArXiv on mastodon too if you search for @arxiv.
@zleap Sure, already follow arxiv_physics.
I will post somethings over the weekend.
@zleap yea if you feel such links are warranted go for it. Just spend sometime explaining the links and why they are of value.