… and again tonight outside the restaurant we had just eaten …

We took our 5 year old nephew for water fights at Silom yesterday. Great fun!

Chris :freebsd: boosted

Today i learned in Thailand they use a totally different way to measure what year it is.

I always thought itnwas odd different coubtries didnt coubt years differently. Seems they do.

Fuck AD i am using BE from now on no matter what coubtry im in!

Chris :freebsd: boosted
Chris :freebsd: boosted
Chris :freebsd: boosted
Chris :freebsd: boosted

Euclid on Ice

I thought it would be appropriate to add a little update about the European Space Agency's Euclid mission. I'll keep it brief here because you can read the full story on the official website here. You may have seen in the news that the Euclid telescope has been having an issue with ice forming on surfaces in its optical systems, especially the…


Chris :freebsd: boosted

“If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled—have you no shame in that?” —EPICTETUS, ENCHIRIDION, 28

#stoic #philosophy #stoicism

Chris :freebsd: boosted

Cosmology Talks: Intrinsic Alignments – A Guide for All Cosmologists

I was just thinking this afternoon that I haven't posted recently any of the Cosmology Talks curated by Shaun Hotchkiss, then I looked and found that I had the perfect excuse for doing so. This particular talk is actually about one of the two new OJAp papers I announced in my previous post, i.e. “The IA Guide: A Breakdown of Intrinsic Alignment Formalisms…


Chris :freebsd: boosted

SN1987A, Past and Present

There's a new paper in Science featuring observations using the MIRI and NIRSpec instruments on JWST of Supernova SN1987a in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I couldn't resist doing a short post about this result, partly because the paper features Maynooth colleague Paddy Kavanagh, and partly because I'm old enough to remember when this supernova was detected, in 1987. In fact I was doing my PhD at the time.


Chris :freebsd: boosted

DES and the BAO Scale

I just saw a press release about new results from the Dark Energy Survey relating to measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations. These are basically the residue of the oscillations seen in the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature distribution imprinted on the galaxy distribution. They are somewhat less obvious that the primordial temperature fluctuations because the growth of structure produces a much larger…


Chris :freebsd: boosted

An excellent, measured, insightful read from a sceptic …

“Even if MOND is wrong, that it works as well as it does is surely telling us something. I would like to know why that is”


Chris :freebsd: boosted

“How in God’s name can the US condemn Russia’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Ukraine as a war crime, and yet fund Netanyahu’s war machine which has killed thousands of children?”

Bernie Sanders is absolutely right. Feel the Bern:


For those interested in , there's a great site called backgammonhub.com. Play online, matches analysed, tournaments, daily puzzles, great community of friendly players.

Chris :freebsd: boosted

"Her faşizmin arkasında başarısız bir sol vardır."

Walter Benjamin

Chris :freebsd: boosted
Chris :freebsd: boosted
Chris :freebsd: boosted
Chris :freebsd: boosted

It is remarkable how many people think it is an intrinsically costly process to publish #OpenAccess articles.

It is not.

Publishing in traditional journals is expensive only because the profits made are huge. The actual cost is minimal.

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