1 crore bonds - ₹5409 crore
10 lakh bonds - ₹472 crore
1 lakh bonds - ₹15 crore
10k bonds - ₹6 lakh
1k bonds - ₹47,000
Ancap: Anarcocapitalista
Anti-sjw: En contra de la justicia social, no cree en la opresión de minorías.
@freemo Is it possible to initiate a format change? If so, how?
I tend to write and think in paragraphs, but the standard format makes my paragraphs run together.
I tried to compensate by adding extra three empty lines between each paragraph, but the system is somehow designed to disregard this spacing preference.
So in this toot, I've placed a period at the beginning of each "blank" line -- hoping to create the kind of visual bites or "chunk" I want to see in my toots. -- see Wikipedia "Chunking (psychology)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)
Do I need to try to explain again in different words?
verb - codifies, codifying, codified
[with object]
1 Arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.
as adjective - codified
1.1 Arrange according to a plan or system.
Attempts to codify our behavior are fraught with confusion. Then, it must be said, our natural confusion is difficult to organize in a logical way.
@chikara No I understood, not sure there is an easy fix though. Might need to be modified in the source.
Indian states are failing to help mothers – and UP is the worst https://buff.ly/37tiUaE Pregnant and nursing women in rural India have poor health, lack nutritious food, get little rest and are not getting the benefits of a new government scheme.
RT @starstrickenSF@twitter.com
4 years ago I got a 0 on a quantum physics exam. i met with my professor fearing i needed to change my major & quit physics. today, i’m in a top tier astrophysics Ph.D program & published 2 papers.
STEM is hard for everyone—grades don’t mean you’re not good enough to do it.
: https://twitter.com/starstrickenSF/status/1197278309043671041
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