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Okay, so if anyone is interested, here is a first pass at Java Swing version of Conway's Game of Life.

I am seeking hard critical responses with suggestions for improvement to make it more Java-esque or Java-licious or otherwise unlike someone who has been programming in C/C++ for 30 years just trying to learn new syntax.

I am also open to corrections to obvious bone-head or ham-fisted mistakes.

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I need some Java friends / mentors / co-learners

So I have been hired onto a company whose current intended strategy is to move away from all c/c++ replacing it with Java micronaut. They will be encouraging and assisting with training. (The specifics of which are yet to be determined)

Bring on the imposter syndrome :)

No question, just sharing insecurities.

Been a while, just saying hi! People are talking about leaving FB and Twitter and so far all I hear them say is they are going to Parlor or Gab. SMH...

@freemo Other than manually, is there a mathematical way to calculate the "clues" for the "Einstein" or "5 houses" style puzzle?


Even if you do not agree with my absolute disgust of most modern phone designs, you have to agree that they are not(and were not) designed for any other purpose than suiting and driving pop culture, in particular not designed for taking photos comfortably and reliably in extreme circumstances. The market is driven by people who buy the new shiny, without any consideration of utility. That's the main point of one minor sub-point you decided to focus on.

I don't see any deep rooted disagreement. In case my, perhaps, abrasive manner of writing is draining you emotionally, I apologize.


Just saying:
In most US States and DC, and a whole bunch of countries it is ILLEGAL to be out in public wearing a mask.

Stay home, stay safe, stay alive.

Thoughts on the day...

So it would seem that there is a huge push to get girls/women/ladies/female persons into STEM and programming specifically. There are people working on "scholarships" or "free tickets to cons" and such for them as underrepresented class of persons. I am wondering the actual specific reasons? Is it because we have an actual shortage of programming persons? Or because this class of persons desires to be in programming, but is somehow being shut out? There doesn't necessarily seem to be lack for this class of persons in other STEM fields. Could it also be due to the fact that this class of persons is traditionally paid less than their boy/man/dude/male person counterpart performing the same job as an attempt to lower the cost to businesses employing such? I am curious of the pushes that are being done, because I never trust the motivation given for anything that affects so many aspects of something.

Without turning this into an essay, I want to raise a few more questions?
Does the industry gain anything in the field from diversity itself? Does a programming team benefit from having a person of a specific gender, race, religion, national origin <insert the rest of the eoe protected classes> from the fact that they are in fact a member of that class.
Should the industry and its players change itself, (customs, culture, mores, language, and so on) to allow for such integration, or would the marriage of such new culture to an existing culture naturally change it organically?
Is this done in other industries where they are made up lacking a certain class of person and strong encouragement, support etc. is made to interest, entice, or otherwise bring members of that lacking class into it?

I hope everyone is okay, and practicing social distancing.

Hot damn, Emacs hasn't ceased to amaze me yet. The more you figure out how it works, the more you realize how powerful it is. And I know I'm still just scratching the surface. Today, I'm executing my JS work and viewing/filtering my csv output, all with a few keystrokes inside Emacs. I've barely had to leave Emacs today. Just to do some web searches in Firefox (yes I know about ewww), and to post this status from toot tui.

Oh look ...
a Mastodon client ...
for Emacs...


I hope everyone is doing well. If your job gave you the ability to work from home, use this as an opportunity to show them how much more productive you can be without having to come into an office. Don't prove their fears that people they can't see aren't working. Silver lining might be more remote working positions... :)

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.