@nukie @icedquinn after asking around my even nerdier friends this is apparently canon in Dune. (Or at least in the extended canon.)
I mean, a Bene Gesserit literally walking into someone's hearing range and using the Voice to tell them to kill themselves. I love that universe.
@goatsarah @robcornelius captcha is a scam for crowd-sourcing training data and has been such for the past 16 years since Google got the idea they can use people solving captchas as free labor for helping OCR their scanned library of books.
It's not that currently computers can't do it, it's that they can't do it perfectly 100% of the time and the crowdsourcing serves to refine the data they recognise for further training. Do you think a human sits there choosing pics from StreetView and marking which squares contain traffic lights? It's automatically generated from computers recognising this stuff, and the pics that get chosen are those where the computer is mostly sure it recognises some of the objects or the lack thereof (this is the actual human detection part to stop dumb spam answers), and some it's not sure abut (these are the ones you can solve either way and it'll accept your solution, try it if you detect which images that might be).
Then how does that captcha even work if you can have a computer solve it? Simple, spam bots are insanely dumb. You can filter out most of them by including a hidden form field and checking if it remains hidden since bots love filling out all form fields, no image recognition required. To solve captchas with robots you need much more computing power than makes sense for a spam bot and a hand-crafted solving script so that the bot even knows which parts it's supposed to do image recognition on. These are not problems encountered by computers driving cars – they have a metric crapton of computing power dedicated to image recognition of their surroundings, and they are supplied with the images and all the information about them immediately in the form they best understand.
@icedquinn I'd like to see that paper lol, sounds pretty ridiculous.
@icedquinn easy to reject existing solutions, harder to make better ones.
@icedquinn the main alternative is an entire nonprofessional caste who has complete control over who is allowed to attempt to make useful things. (central planning)
VC is far from ideal but oh boy is it still miles better lol
@Indigo @coolboymew how does this help though?
Great UX by Google.
>hey this app is not updating, wanna retry or send feedback?
>yeah sure retry
>it's still not updating
>send feedback
>haha please answer a few questions to our help bot
>first question: what is your problem?
Gee I wonder, there is no possible way this bot could ever know what is my problem without asking me.
It's a little weird that you can go out and buy a computer, a Gameboy, a telephone, a camera, a light bulb, and a power strip.
And if you get home and open them up, they're all running ARM chips.
@prokyonid @alexhammy@hachyderm.io @kev @dragonmantank @ppatel it may be ran by resurrected Hitler for all I care, good browser is good browser.
@LukeAlmighty I'd still prefer the less fun jobs to be automated but welp, art's what we got. I don't think anyone anticipated the plot twist that computers will sooner create drawings then clean toilets.
"Why are websites embarrassing?" by Robin Rendle https://robinrendle.com/notes/why-are-websites-embarrassing/
Yeah, this one hits me in the feels.
@alexhammy@hachyderm.io @kev @dragonmantank @ppatel nice tribal mentality. You can completely ignore any crypto aspects of Brave and it's just a better Chrome with a built-in adblocker.
@icedquinn make a barrier separating us from Russia and have some orbital ion cannon hanging over Berlin menacingly just in case Germans try some shit again and we're golden.
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.